2015 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT The 2015 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT: practices and ideas to revolutionize computing took place on May 19-21, 2015 in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Hundreds of change leaders from our community of educators, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and social scientists received research, ideas, and action items for increasing girls’ and women’s participation in computing.2015 Summit HighlightsLearning from experts. Notable guests and inspirational plenary speakers included Mayim Bialik, PhD, Actress and Activist; Karen Ashcraft, Professor of Communication, University of Colorado Boulder; Benjamin Todd Jealous, Partner, Kapor Capital; Maggie Johnson, Director of Education and University Relations, Google; and Joan C. Williams, Center for WorkLife Law, Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Hastings Foundation Chair and Director.Taking action. NCWIT Empower Hours are interactive sessions that prepare members to take action at the individual, organizational, and community levels. Attendees learned about research and evidence-based practices from experts in the field, as well as from the experiences of their peers and colleagues, and walked away with strategies they can use.Celebrating. Distinguished honorees included the 2015 NCWIT Pioneer Award Winners Katherine Johnson and Dr. Christine Darden. We also honored recipients of several academic awards that recognize remarkable mentoring, research, recruiting, and retaining efforts in academia. Additionally, we recognized the inaugural winner for the first-ever SET Award for Portrayal of a Female in Technology! "I am often frustrated by the lack of innovative thinking and new insights from many conferences. This was not my experience at NCWIT. I left Hilton Head inspired and invigorated." Speakers Lecia Barker, Ph.D. Lecia Barker is an NCWIT Senior Research Scientist and is... Daniela Marghitu Dr. Daniela Marghitu is a professor in the Computer Science... Avis Yates Rivers Avis Yates Rivers is the President and CEO of Technology... Lucy Sanders Lucy Sanders is Founder and Executive in Residence of the... Ruthe Farmer Ruthe Farmer has focused her efforts on diversity and inclusion... Wendy DuBow, Ph.D. Wendy DuBow is a Senior Research Scientist and the Director... Catherine Ashcraft, Ph.D. Catherine Ashcraft is a Senior Research Scientist with the National... Cathy Hawley Cathy Hawley is a Sr. Director of People Development at... Dalene King Dalene King is a Global Diversity & Inclusion Manager at... Amy Gurley Amy Gurley is the global program lead for Bank of... Lee Wills-Irvine Lee Wills-Irvine leads Global Diversity & Inclusion at Qualcomm. Her... Sylvia Martinez Sylvia Martinez is a maker, mom, engineer, and co-author of... Jane Margolis Jane Margolis is a Senior Researcher at UCLA Graduate School... Emmanuel Schanzer Emmanuel Schanzer is a CS-expat, having spent several years as a... Jill Denner, Ph.D. Jill Denner, PhD, is a senior research scientist at Education,... Linda Ott, PhD Dr. Linda M. Ott received her PhD in computer science... Telle Whitney Dr. Telle Whitney served as President and CEO of ABI... Scott McCrickard Scott McCrickard is an Associate Professor in the Department of... Renee Fall Renee Fall is project manager of the Commonwealth Alliance for... Eric Bradford Eric T. Bradford is the Managing Director of the Information... Cheryl Swanier, Ph.D. Dr. Cheryl A. Swanier is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at... Tracy Camp Tracy Camp is the Department Head and Professor of Computer... Sharon Simmons Sharon Simmons is the Computer Science Department Head at James... Maureen Biggers, Ph.D. Dr. Maureen Biggers, Co-founder and Executive Director, of the Indiana... Bobby Schnabel Bobby Schnabel is a Professor of Computer Science at University... Martha Kosa Martha Kosa has been a faculty member in the Department... Shalini Kesar Shalini Kesar is Associate Professor in Information Systems, department of... Sneha Veeragoudar Harrell Sneha Veeragoudar Harrell, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist at the... Elsa Macias Education: Ph.D. Policy Analysis, Arizona State University Areas of Expertise:... Sapna Cheryan Dr. Sapna Cheryan is an associate professor of social psychology... Enobong (Anna) Branch Enobong Hannah Branch is the Associate Chancellor for Equity &... Brenda J. Allen, Ph.D. Professor Emerita Brenda J. Allen (Ph.D., Howard University) served for... Deborah Keyek-Franssen Watch Deborah Keyek-Franssen’s Summit interview here Deborah Keyek-Franssen, Ph.D. is... Valerie Taylor Dr. Valerie Taylor is the holder of the Royce E.... Pooja Nath Sankar Pooja (Nath) Sankar is the founder and CEO of Piazza,... Kimberly Bryant Kimberly Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Black... Terry Hogan Terry Hogan is the Executive Director and CEO at NCWIT.... Cameron Wilson As Director of Public Policy for ACM, Cameron Wilson develops... Jeffrey Forbes Jeff Forbes is a Program Director for the Education and... Wendy Hawkins Wendy Hawkins is Executive Director of the Intel Foundation. The... Stacy Smith Stacy L. Smith’s research focuses on children’s responses to mass... Patricia Deyton Patricia H. Deyton is the Director of the Center for... Michael Lach Michael Lach is the Director of STEM policy and Strategic... Maggie Johnson Maggie Johnson is Director of Education and University Relations for... Lynette Kvasny Lynette Kvasny received her Ph.D. in Computer Information Systems from... David Evans David Evans has taught two large open courses for Udacity, including... Carol Dweck Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., is a leading researcher in the... Jan Cuny Since 2004, Jan Cuny has been the Program Officer for... Mike Younkers Mike Younkers, Senior Director of Systems Engineering for Cisco’s US... Eileen Sweeney Eileen, now with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, led the Motorola... Ben Eater Ben Eater is the Lead Exercise Developer at Khan Academy,... Jean Sammet Jean E. Sammet is a retired computer scientist and programmer... Carleen Beste As manager of Corporate Citizenship, Carleen Beste is responsible for... Cassidy Williams Cassidy Williams is a computer science undergraduate at Iowa State University.... Matthew Blakely Born and raised in and around Chicago, Matt Blakely has... Cheryl Calhoun, Ph.D. Cheryl Calhoun currently serves as Dean of Educational Centers and... Hadi Partovi Hadi Partovi is the co-founder and president of Code.org. A Harvard... Tony Hey As Vice President in Microsoft Research, Tony Hey is responsible... Paula Golden As Executive Director of the Broadcom Foundation and Director of... Alvaro Monge Dr. Alvaro Monge has earned BS (UC Riverside, 1991), MS,... Rebecca Dohrman Education: Ph.D. Organizational Communication, Purdue University Areas of Expertise: Qualitative... Sheryl Sorby Sheryl Sorby is Visiting Professor in the Engineering Education and... David Neal David is a social and behavioral psychologist specializing in behavior... Colleen Lewis Colleen Lewis is the McGregor-Girand Associate Professor of Computer Science... Tim Faiella Tim Faiella is the Content Director for the NCWIT at... Kyla McMullen Watch Dr. Kyla McMullen’s Summit interview here Dr. Kyla McMullen... Richard Ladner Richard E. Ladner is a Professor in the Department of... Perry Fizzano, Ph.D. Perry Fizzano earned a B.S. degree in computer science from... John Paxton John Paxton received a B.S. degree in computer science from The... Brad McLain, Ph.D. Dr. Brad McLain is a social scientist interested in the... Karen Ashcraft, Ph.D. Karen Lee Ashcraft is a professor of organizational communication at... Mo Fong Mo has been at Google for over 10 years and... Ann Lorbes Ann Lorbes serves as the lead for Diversity and Inclusion... Janice Zdankus Janice Zdankus is Vice President of Quality in Hewlett Packard... Cameron Fadjo Cameron Fadjo, PhD is the Founder and CEO of the... Alberto I. Roca, PhD Dr. Alberto I. Roca is Founder and Executive Director of... Lyn Swackhamer, Ph.D. Lyn Swackhamer is the Director of Aspirations Evaluation with the... Ruha Devanesan Ruha Devanesan specializes in creating access for the disenfranchised through... Heather Pon-Barry Heather Pon-Barry is a Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of... Matthew R. Rantanen As the Director of Technology for the Southern California Tribal... Melissa Harris-Perry Melissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake... Chris Stephenson Dr. Chris Stephenson is the Head of Computer Science Education... Benjamin F. Jones Benjamin F. Jones is a Professor of Strategy and the... Matt Wallaert Matt Wallaert is a Behavioral Scientist working at the intersection... Mizuko Ito Mizuko Ito is a Cultural Anthropologist of Technology Use, examining... Moritz Hardt Moritz Hardt is a senior research scientist at Google Research.... Kortney Ziegler Kortney Ziegler, PhD, is the Founder of Trans*H4CK, an organization... Alicia A. Lebrija Hirschfeld Alicia A. Lebrija Hirschfeld is Executive President of Fundación Televisa... Cynthia Solomon Cynthia Solomon’s focus has been on creating fun-filled, thoughtful, personally... Gregory M. Walton Greg Walton is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Stanford... Madeline Di Nonno Madeline Di Nonno is the CEO of the Geena Davis... Patricia Russo Pat Russo is a technology-industry veteran who has spent her... Sherri L. Sanders, Ph.D. Sherri Sanders serves as the Director of Higher Education Initiatives... Susan M. Armstrong Susan M. Armstrong started at Qualcomm working on Globalstar and... Dr. Chris Wood Dr. Chris Wood is an Associate Professor in the Educational... Dr. Celine Latulipe Dr. Celine Latulipe is an Associate Professor in the Department... Sarah Provencal Sarah Provencal is a director, teacher, and actor. She earned... Sarah T. Dunton, M.Ed. Sarah T. Dunton is the Director of Expanding Computing Education... Luz M. Gonzalez Luz M. Gonzalez is Senior Vice President of Solutions Delivery... Jane Condon Jane Condon, both a mom and comedian, lives in Greenwich,... Load More Slides No posts found! Videos We greatly appreciate our Media Partners JupiterReturn, Microsoft, and FabLab for production and making the livestream possible. “Conversations for Change” with Lisa D. Cook | Video Playback Lisa D. Cook is Professor of Economics and International Relations... 2006 NCWIT Innovation and Diversity Town Hall, featuring U.S. Senator Barack Obama NCWIT held its first-ever Innovation and Diversity Town Hall, co-sponsored... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “COMPUGIRLS: What We Can Learn” by Courtney Besaw and Daysha Edgerton [upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: Next we’re going to hear from... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Empowering Latinos in Computing” by Idit Harel Caperton and Jennifer Aguayo [upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: So, we’re going to go through... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Making Technology More Accessible” by Emily Peed-Brown [upbeat music] JEFF FORBES: We’re here at NCWIT. We couldn’t... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Sit With Me” by Avis Yates Rivers Jeffrey Forbes: We’re very lucky to have Avis Yates Rivers,... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Social Media for Change Leaders” by Herb Morreale [bright music] JEFFREY FORBES: Our last speaker is Herb Morreale... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Jean Sammet Pioneer Award Reception [upbeat rock music] [audience applause] [enthusiastic applause] JEAN SAMMETT: Thank... 2013 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Ceremony (Arizona) [upbeat introduction music] RUTHE FARMER: Good evening and welcome to... 2013 NCWIT Summit – Orientation [upbeat music] LUCY SANDERS: Good afternoon everybody and welcome. I’m... Load More 2015 NCWIT Summit ProgramDownload the printed program, containing detailed information about speakers, 2015 Community Award recipients, featured new resources, and more.Download PDF Extension Services Client Showcase Posters During the Extension Services Client Showcase at the 2015 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT, selected clients presented posters with high-impact strategies for recruiting and retaining more women students in their undergraduate computing programs. Peruse the posters for the following clients to learn what they did or are doing that may help you achieve your goals. College of St. ScholasticaIndiana University-BloomingtonMichigan State UniversityPurdue UniversityUniversity of Central FloridaUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Texas-El PasoUniversity of WashingtonVirginia Tech Download Posters 2015 Book Club It’s NCWIT FlashTalks … in the Shark Tank.For over ten years, NCWIT has depended on members’ ideas in order to create the most useful research, tools, and platforms to support their efforts to increase the meaningful participation of girls and women in computing. Here’s a fun way to tell us about your idea — something NCWIT should prioritize in the areas of diversity, education, image, innovation, social movements, and more.We gave five members of the NCWIT community five minutes each to give a FlashTalk on new ways that NCWIT can continue to empower you as a change leader for women in technology. This was their opportunity to tell us about that item on their wish list — “I really wish NCWIT had research on this,” or “It’d be awesome if NCWIT ran a campaign focused on this.”Congratulations to Dr. Linda Ott, the winning Flash Tank presenter who received a Surface Pro 3, courtesy of Microsoft, and whose idea will be considered for ideation and possible implementation by NCWIT. View the entire FlashTank in our archive. The 2015 NCWIT FlashTank is sponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada and the NCWIT Board of Directors.What is a FlashTalk?If you’ve heard of Ignite® or Pecha Kucha or lightning talks, then you know what we’re talking about. An NCWIT FlashTalk is a short, thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation, delivered in a fixed format:20 slides that automatically advance every15 seconds for a total talk time of5 minutes.Check out FlashTalk videos from previous NCWIT Summits.Two Twists: FlashTalks in the Shark TankA panel of experts will moderate a brief discussion after each FlashTalk to help expand upon your idea. Convince them that they cannot afford to miss out on capitalizing on your idea.At least one innovative idea will be considered for ideation and possible implementation by NCWIT. Sponsorship OpportunitiesSponsorship Opportunities for the 2021 NCWIT Summit Are AvailableDownload PDFEmail Us
Deborah Keyek-Franssen Watch Deborah Keyek-Franssen’s Summit interview here Deborah Keyek-Franssen, Ph.D. is...
Rebecca Dohrman Education: Ph.D. Organizational Communication, Purdue University Areas of Expertise: Qualitative...
Alicia A. Lebrija Hirschfeld Alicia A. Lebrija Hirschfeld is Executive President of Fundación Televisa...
“Conversations for Change” with Lisa D. Cook | Video Playback Lisa D. Cook is Professor of Economics and International Relations...
2006 NCWIT Innovation and Diversity Town Hall, featuring U.S. Senator Barack Obama NCWIT held its first-ever Innovation and Diversity Town Hall, co-sponsored...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “COMPUGIRLS: What We Can Learn” by Courtney Besaw and Daysha Edgerton [upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: Next we’re going to hear from...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Empowering Latinos in Computing” by Idit Harel Caperton and Jennifer Aguayo [upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: So, we’re going to go through...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Making Technology More Accessible” by Emily Peed-Brown [upbeat music] JEFF FORBES: We’re here at NCWIT. We couldn’t...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Sit With Me” by Avis Yates Rivers Jeffrey Forbes: We’re very lucky to have Avis Yates Rivers,...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Social Media for Change Leaders” by Herb Morreale [bright music] JEFFREY FORBES: Our last speaker is Herb Morreale...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Jean Sammet Pioneer Award Reception [upbeat rock music] [audience applause] [enthusiastic applause] JEAN SAMMETT: Thank...
2013 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Ceremony (Arizona) [upbeat introduction music] RUTHE FARMER: Good evening and welcome to...
2013 NCWIT Summit – Orientation [upbeat music] LUCY SANDERS: Good afternoon everybody and welcome. I’m...