Sheryl Sorby

Sheryl Sorby
Michigan Technological University
Professor Emerita of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

Sheryl Sorby is Visiting Professor in the Engineering Education and Innovation Center at The Ohio State University and Professor Emerita of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics at Michigan Technological University.  She recently served as Program Director within the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation.  

She began her academic career on the faculty of Michigan Tech in 1986, starting first as an instructor while completing her Ph.D. degree and later joining the tenure-track ranks in 1991.  Dr. Sorby is the former Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Engineering and the former Department Chair of Engineering Fundamentals at Michigan Tech.  Her research interests include graphics and visualization.  She has been the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on more than $7M in external funding for educational projects, most for the National Science Foundation, and is the author of numerous publications and several textbooks.

Dr. Sorby currently serves as an associate editor for ASEE’s new online journal, Advances in Engineering Education. Dr. Sorby received a bachelor of science in civil engineering in 1982, a master’s in engineering mechanics in 1985, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering-engineering mechanics in 1991, all from Michigan Technological University. She was Michigan Tech’s first graduate exchange student, attending the Federal Technical Institute in Zurich, Switzerland for the 1983-84 academic year.

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