Dr. Celine Latulipe

Dr. Celine Latulipe
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Associate Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems

Dr. Celine Latulipe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems in the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her recent research has focused on CS Education innovation, particularly focusing on social and active learning, and scaling up adoption of flipped classroom methodologies. She conducts research into how to make computer science education a more social experience, both as a way of more deeply engaging students and as an approach to broadening participation in a field that lacks gender and racial diversity. She is a PI on the NSF RED (Revolutionizing Engineering Departments) Connected Learner grant. She is the faculty mentor for the ACM-W group at UNC Charlotte, and is a leader in the college’s Women in Computing Initiative. Dr. Latulipe is also an HCI researcher and works in developing and evaluating novel interaction techniques, creativity and collaboration support tools, and technologies to support the arts. This work involves the study of how to support exploration in complex interfaces and how interaction affordances impact satisficing behavior. 

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