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Headshot of Avis Yates Rivers President and CEO Technology Concepts Group International, LLC

2016 NCWIT Summit – Summit Day 2 Intro

[upbeat music] AVIS YATES RIVERS: How is everyone today? Did you get a good night’s sleep? I tried, but these three hours are messing with ...
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Headshot of Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-Founder NCWIT

2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Flash Tank Winners

[upbeat music] LUCY SANDERS: All right, welcome back to our final plannery session, for the 2016 NCWIT Summit. I’d also like to welcome back those ...
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Headshot of Mo Fong Director, K-12 Education Outreach with Google

2016 NCWIT Summit – Reel WiT Award

LUCY SANDERS: And now I’m gonna hand the reigns over to the wonderful Mo Fong, she’s going to MC the final plenary session. Mo is ...
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Headshot of Dave Filoni Executive Producer - 2016 NCWIT Summit – Plenary IV, The Power of Storytelling by Dave Filoni

Conversations for Change: NCWIT Summit: The Power of Storytelling by Dave Filoni

MO PHONG: And we’re not done yet, so it was a great reminder for all of us that we also have a role to play ...
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Headshot Lucy Sanders CEO and Co-founder of NCWIT

2016 NCWIT Summit – Closing Comments

LUCY SANDERS: I’m so jazzed. One last thing to say, may the force be with you, and we’ll see you in Tucson next year. Thanks ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit Orientation

2017 NCWIT Summit Orientation

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Evaluating a Mentoring Program Guide

Need help evaluating your mentoring program? This resource provides a step-by-step plan with example metrics for evaluating a workplace mentoring program (in either industry or ...
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Top 10 Ways You Can Retain Students in Computing

This brief, easy-to-share resource highlights the top ten evidence-based ways to retain undergraduate students in computing. Related resource: EngageCSEdu: Foster diversity in your introductory computer ...
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How Does the Physical Environment Affect Women’s Entry and Persistence in Computing?

The décor of physical spaces conveys messages about the kinds of people who belong there and the kinds of activities that should be done there. ...
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Which computing majors are right for me?

This card, co-branded with ACM, explains how computing interests and talents line up with different undergraduate degrees and the careers that follow.
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How can I prepare for a computing major?

Produced with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), this card gives computing-specific advice for the steps to take ...
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Supervising-in-a-Box Series: Supervisors as Change Agents

Supervising-in-a-Box Series: Supervisors as Change Agents is for supervisors who wish to become change agents in their organizations. The materials are focused on actions that ...
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