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Headshot of Maggie Johnson Director of education and university relations with Google

2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Extension Services Transformation (NEXT) Awards

MAGGIE JOHNSON: Now it’s time for me to share the stage with some outstanding NCWIT change leaders. Being honored today for their significant contributions to ...
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Avis Yates Rivers, President and CEO of Techology Concepts Group International, LLC 2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Harrold and Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award

2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Harrold and Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award

[applause] AVIS YATES RIVERS: Thank you, Maggie. Congratulations again to all of our awardees. You know your work is so inspirational to us. You are ...
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Headshot Lucy Sanders CEO and Co-founder of NCWIT

2016 NCWIT Summit – Academic Alliance (AA) Seed Fund

[upbeat music] [audience chatter] LUCY SANDERS: Shhh. [laughs] Good afternoon everybody. Welcome back. This a little loud? Is this too loud? Is it good? Welcome ...
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2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Undergraduate Research Mentoring (URM) Award - Luz M. Gonzalez the Senior Vice President of Solutions Delivery with AT&T

2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Undergraduate Research Mentoring (URM) Award

LUCY SANDERS: Our final award before the plenary session is the NCWIT undergraduate research mentoring award sponsored by AT&T and as we all know mentoring ...
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2016 NCWIT Summit – Plenary III, Creativity in the 21st Century by Ben Jones

Conversations for Change: NCWIT Summit: Creativity in the 21st Century by Ben Jones

LUCY SANDERS: Okay, here comes the next plenary. I was told that yesterday when I Opened the summit, I actually said something like, “And at ...
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NCWIT Flash Tank

2016 NCWIT Summit – NCWIT Flash Tank

[upbeat music] [audience clapping and cheering] LUCY SANDERS: All right, time for one of our favorite sessions of the whole summit, the NCWIT Flash Shark ...
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Top 10 Ways Successful Technical Women Increase Their Visibility

Increasing your visibility is important for advancing your career. This list includes ten things that highly successful women say they do in order to increase ...
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Top 10 Ways Managers Can Retain Technical Women

This resource includes ten important recommendations supervisors can readily adopt to improve retention for all employees. They are particularly useful for retaining women and employees ...
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Top 10 Ways Managers Can Increase the Visibility of Technical Women

This resource highlights ten important recommendations supervisors or managers can readily adopt to improve visibility of their employees. These recommendations are particularly useful for improving ...
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three students sharing a laptop

Counselors for Computing (C4C) Information Sheet

Counselors for Computing (C4C), a project of the NCWIT K-12 Alliance made possible by the Merck Company Foundation, empowers school counselors to increase student interest ...
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Resources for Retaining and Advancing Mid-career Technical Women Guide

Managers and others can use this guide to find NCWIT resources that will help them create highly productive, diverse technical teams. Resources are catalogued by ...
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small image of resource cover showing students excited about materials

REU-In-A-Box: Expanding the Pool of Computing Researchers

REU-in-A-Box: Expanding the Pool of Computing Researchers explains the benefits of undergraduate research in computing with content developed by experienced computing faculty mentors and undergraduate ...
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