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2019 NCWIT Summit Orientation

2019 NCWIT Summit Orientation

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2019 NCWIT Summit: Mary Fairchild - Corporate Diversity Efforts

2019 NCWIT Summit: Mary Fairchild – Corporate Diversity Efforts

During the 2019 NCWIT Summit, we sat down with several plenary speakers, workshop presenters, and other change leaders from the NCWIT community to discuss their ...
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2019 NCWIT Summit: Cheryl D. Calhoun, PhD - Gender Diversity

2019 NCWIT Summit: Cheryl D. Calhoun, PhD – Gender Diversity

During the 2019 NCWIT Summit, we sat down with several plenary speakers, workshop presenters, and other change leaders from the NCWIT community to discuss their ...
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2019 NCWIT Summit: Katherine Phillips - Capturing the Real Value of Diversity: A Close Look at Gender

2019 NCWIT Summit: Katherine Phillips – Capturing the Real Value of Diversity: A Close Look at Gender

During the 2019 NCWIT Summit, we sat down with several plenary speakers, workshop presenters, and other change leaders from the NCWIT community to discuss their ...
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2019 NCWIT Summit: JeffriAnne Wilder - Color Bias

2019 NCWIT Summit: JeffriAnne Wilder – Color Bias

During the 2019 NCWIT Summit, we sat down with several plenary speakers, workshop presenters, and other change leaders from the NCWIT community to discuss their ...
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2019 NCWIT Summit: Thank You NCWIT Sponsors Performed by Matt McAtee and Dayna Bee

2019 NCWIT Summit: Thank You NCWIT Sponsors Performed by Matt McAtee and Dayna Bee

Take a look at the sponsors who make it all possible,
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How Can Organizations Recruit Diverse Talent in Ways that Promote Innovation and Productivity?

Significant evidence suggests that diverse work teams produce tangible benefits, including improved innovation, problem-solving, and productivity.
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How Can You Re-Engineer Your Undergraduate Program to Increase Women’s Representation in Computing?

The socio-educational system a student experiences shapes participation in the major. Altering one element of that system is often not enough to create enduring change. ...
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International Women’s Day-in-a-Box: Raising Awareness, Igniting Change

International Women’s Day-in-a-Box: Raising Awareness, Igniting Change is designed to help IT companies and departments celebrate successes and address barriers to women’s full participation in ...
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How Can Companies Achieve Organizational Diversity?

Companies that establish organizational accountability for diversity, whether in the form of full-time diversity staff or a diversity task force, are more likely to increase ...
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How Do Admissions Criteria Affect Women’s Representation in Graduate Computing?

When admission committee members minimize the biasing effects of stereotypes and consider applicants’ membership in an under-represented group as a positive characteristic, they promote diversity.
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How Do You Support Completion of Graduate Degrees and Engender Commitment to a Research Career?

Students most likely to complete their graduate studies are those who are viewed as junior colleagues in a positive relationship with their advisors and who ...
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