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2017 NCWIT Summit - Harrold and Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award with Bobby Schnabel, Executive Director and CEO association for Computing Machinery

2017 NCWIT Summit – Harrold and Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award

BOBBY SCHNABEL: And welcome back, both to all of you and to our livestream audience. So, the bad news is, for those of you who ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit - TECHNOLOchicas Update by Alejandro Villanueva

2017 NCWIT Summit – TECHNOLOchicas Update by Alejandro Villanueva

JEFF FORBES: Hi I am really looking forward to this morning here, as you are all hopefully well aware, NCWIT has a history of collaborating ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit - ReelWiT Award with Daraiha Greene, Multicultural Strategy Lead, CS Education in Media with Google

2017 NCWIT Summit – ReelWiT Award

JEFF FORBES: So in 2015, NCWIT in it’s, again longstanding tradition of partnering, partnered with Google and the Geena Davis Institute of Gender in Media, ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit - Summit Closing with Lucy Sanders CEO and Co-Founder of NCWIT

2017 NCWIT Summit – Summit Closing

LUCY SANDERS: Hi, y’all. Okay, so we’re gonna give you back a little time to enjoy the resort. There’s a lunch, a grab-and-go lunch for ...
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2018 NCWIT Summit Orientation

2018 NCWIT Summit Orientation

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2018 NCWIT Summit - The Joanne Cohoon Memorial Plenary, #MeToo, Men & Tech: Possibilities & Perils in a Time of Change presented by Jackson Katz

Conversations for Change: NCWIT Summit: #MeToo, Men & Tech: Possibilities & Perils in a Time of Change presented by Jackson Katz

[upbeat music ] [audience applauding] LUCY SANDERS: Oh, that’s horrible. Hello. Audience: Hello. LUCY SANDERS: Oh, good, good, good. Hi, I’m Lucy Sanders, I’m the ...
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Strategic Planning for Retaining Women in Undergraduate Computing

This workbook presents some guidelines for strategically planning a multi-pronged approach to retain females — and all students — in undergraduate computing programs of study. ...
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Supervising-in-a-Box Series: Team/Project Management

Supervising-in-a-Box helps establish supportive and effective relationships with a diverse range of employees. This box explores ways to reduce or remove unconscious bias, discriminatory practices, ...
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Supervising-in-a-Box Series: Employee Development

Supervising-in-a-Box Series helps establish supportive and effective relationships with a diverse range of employees. This box explores ways to reduce or remove unconscious bias, discriminatory ...
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How Can REUs Help Retain Female Undergraduates?

Undergraduates with positive research experiences feel more confident and motivated to enter graduate programs. To facilitate successful REUs, supportive faculty advisors or graduate mentors should ...
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How Can Leader-Member Relationships Promote Women’s Retention and Advancement?

Positive leader-member relationships are characterized by exchanges of trust, respect, and low formality. They measurably improve performance, job satisfaction, and commitment.
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Institutional Barriers & Their Effects: How can I talk to colleagues about these issues?

Institutional barriers (IBs) are policies, procedures, or situations that systematically disadvantage certain groups of people. IBs exist in any majority-minority group situation. When an initial ...
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