BPCNet: Get Support for the NSF Broadening Participation in Computing Plan Requirement

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is committed to addressing the lack of diversity in the computing workforce by encouraging practices and programs that focus on ...

¿Qué camino en computación es el adecuado para mí?

Encuentra el camino más adecuado para tu vocación. Esta tarjeta con puntos de conversación explica cómo los intereses y talentos en materia de computación se ...

Which computing pathway is right for me?

Shape Our Digital Future Computing know-how lets you design and test useful products for society. With so many pathways within computing, the field has something ...

Top 10 Ways to Recruit Underrepresented Students to Your Undergraduate Computing Program

Recruit strategically to attract a diverse range of students to your undergraduate computing program.

Why Should Young People Consider Careers in Computing and Information Technology?

What should you tell a young person about IT careers? How can they prepare now for a career in IT? Created for school counselors by ...

Los 10 mejores consejos para que la familia logre que las niñas se interesen en la computación

La tecnología es un campo de rápido crecimiento, con salarios altos y creativo. He aquí 10 consejos para que usted, como miembro de la familia, ...

Top 10 Ways Families Can Encourage Girls’ Interest in Computing

Technology is a fast-growing, high-paying, creative field. Here are 10 ways that you, as a family member, can encourage the girls in your life to ...

Mission Possible (24″x36″ poster)

Students see just ten of the many ways computer science is making the world a better place. Encourage them to imagine more. This poster is ...

NCWIT Tips: 11 Ways to Design More Inclusive Academic Websites

Your computing department’s website is an important source of information for current and prospective students. These tips will help you create a website that welcomes ...

Strategic Planning for Recruiting Women into Undergraduate Computing: High Yield in the Short Term (2015 update)

This workbook includes examples, guidance, and templates for developing a strategic recruitment plan to increase participation of females in undergraduate computing. Visit the Extension Services ...

NCWIT Tips: 7 Tips for Conducting Inclusive Faculty Searches

Subtle barriers might be preventing you from hiring the best available candidates. These tips will help you conduct inclusive searches that appeal to women and ...

Computing: Get the Most Out of Your College Degree

Computing offers high quality jobs and is one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States. This resource compares computing to other occupations on ...

A Lucrative, Secure Computing Career: Community College Can Take You There

This poster highlights the importance of community colleges to educating the computing workforce. It connects various pathways into community colleges, outlines some of key components ...

Top 10 Ways to Engage Underrepresented Students in Computing

These tips will help you to engage students in your computing courses and retain them in the major. These ideas and examples are drawn from ...

Regional Celebrations-in-a-Box: Connecting Communities of Technical Women

Regional Celebrations-in-a-Box contains resources for organizing small conferences designed to increase the participation, retention, and advancement of technical women. This program-in-a-box is a compilation of ...

What are the Important Components of Targeted Recruiting?

Targeted recruiting means planning strategically: set quantifiable goals; identify large, capable audiences; personalize the content of your message; deliver that message in media that are ...

Roadshow-in-a-Box: Capitalizing on Models for Outreach

Roadshow-in-a-Box is a complete set of resources developed for colleges and universities wanting to establish or enhance their roadshow outreach programs. It draws on the ...

How Does Engaging Curriculum Attract Students to Computing?

Making curricula more relevant to students, introducing collaborative learning into the classroom, and tailoring courses to different student experience levels benefit female as well as ...

Pipeline-in-a-Box: Promoting Advancement of CS/IT Students from Two-Year to Four-Year Institutions

Are you ready to transform the lives of community college students and diversify the computer science (CS) and information technology (IT) student body at four-year ...

Outreach-in-a-Box: Discovering IT

A program to strengthen and diversify the IT pipeline through outreach to middle schools. Using the box, IT professionals customize and deliver a classroom presentation ...
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