NCWIT Scorecard: The Status of Women’s Participation in Computing

The NCWIT Scorecard is a place you can find data on trends in the participation in computing in the U.S. over time, by race and ...

Gearing Up for Change: Institutional Reform in Undergraduate Computing Programs

Broadening Participation in Computing initiatives are much more likely to succeed when change leaders address readiness and ensure that subsystems work in harmony with each ...

By the Numbers

Check out the most compelling statistics on women’s participation in computing on a single page.

By the Numbers (pocket sized)

The most compelling statistics on women’s participation in IT, in a pocket-sized format for easy distribution and saving.

NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C) Resource Booklet

NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C) is pleased to provide this booklet, filled with information and resources you can use to support ALL students as they explore Computer ...

Overcoming Challenges to Make Systemic Change

These videos share lessons and insights from winners of NCWIT Extension Services Transformation (NEXT) Awards. The NEXT Awards celebrate past and present ES clients for ...

Guide to Inclusive Computer Science Education: How educators can encourage and engage all students in computer science

Knowledge of computer science (CS) is fundamental to students’ future careers. This guide provides educators with context and concrete steps to build and expand inclusivity ...

Intersectionality in Tech 101

Intersectionality is a critical and necessary concept to develop effective programs to broaden the participation of women and girls in computing. This resource provides a ...

Learning About Intersectionality: Videos That Spark Conversations

Use this resource to learn ways to talk about identity, intersectionality, gender, sex, sexuality, disability, neurodiversity, race, and ethnicity.    

One-Pager: K-12 Alliance


NCWIT Resources for Community Colleges

The NCWIT Academic Alliance Community College Involvement Team has selected the resources below as particularly relevant to the community college context: Recruitment (View collection.) Retention, ...

Higher Ed Alliance Poster

NCWIT Higher Ed Alliance member representatives can use this poster to announce their commitment to broadening participation in computing. The poster can be displayed on ...

The Action to Catalyze Tech (ACT) Report: A Cross-Industry, Multi-Stakeholder Report

The ACT Report is a collaboration led by four key partners — Snap Inc., NCWIT, PwC, and the Aspen Institute — as part of an ...

NCWIT AspireIT Toolkit

The NCWIT AspireIT Toolkit helps anyone interested in designing engaging and inclusive computer science experiences for K-12 students, with a focus on broadening the participation ...

How Does the Lack of Diversity in Tech Limit the Technologies We Use? (Slide Deck)

Technology products and services must serve all populations equitably, which is not currently the case. Without diversity at the innovation table, technology will continue to ...

The Color of Our Future: An Online Conversation Series on the Empowerment and Inclusion of Black Women & Girls in Tech

NCWIT celebrates the contributions of Black women and girls in computing by hosting a series of virtual chats: “The Color of Our Future: An Online ...

Powertilt: Examining Power, Influence, and the Myth of Meritocracy Within Technology Teams


One-Pager: Academic Alliance

Get a one-page overview of the NCWIT Academic Alliance, including outcomes, testimonials, and ways to support its work.

Tech Culture Interrupted

“Tech Culture Interrupted” is an engaging and provocative conversation between NCWIT social scientists (Dr. Catherine Ashcraft and Dr. Brad McLain) and a variety of special ...

NCWIT 101: Introduction to Diversifying Undergraduate Computing Programs

This self-guided course is designed for computing and information technology faculty and administrators who are beginning work on diversifying undergraduate computing programs or are trying to ...

One-Pager: Counselors for Computing (C4C)

One-page overview of the NCWIT’s Counselors for Computing (C4C) program.

Inclusive Environmental Assessment Guide

The design and décor of the physical spaces where people work contain signals about who does and who does not belong there. When we view ...

Colorism Bias in the Tech Industry

Achieving equity in the tech industry must be intersectional: race, class, gender, sexuality, and other key factors of identity shape experiences differently; and understanding those ...

Communicating Research-based Interventions to Change Agents

This Guide was created to support the use of evidence-based interventions by change leaders. It can help researchers to avoid jargon and communicate effectively. This ...

The Ascent of Women-founded Venture-backed Startups in the United States

This report, sponsored by NCWIT, adds to the relatively limited research studying patterns of women-founded, venture-backed startups. While others have tended to look at topline ...

Modern Figures Podcast

Modern Figures Podcast ( guest stars Black women in computing who share their stories and perspectives on technical, societal, and personal topics. Geared toward women ...

Organize: Broadening Participation in Computing State Summit Toolkit

Advancing K-16 computing education in a state is a complex and collaborative endeavor. Computing education state summits are an important part of this process and can ...

Enrich PK-8 Computing Education

Student influencers such as formal and informal educators and parents are eager to direct students to viable education opportunities in computing. Consider these key points ...

Inclusive Speaker Orientation Course

This inclusive speaker orientation course is designed to provide essential background knowledge and practical skills to promote inclusivity in presentations, messaging, and other communications. It ...

NCWIT Tips: 13 Tips to Make Technical Conferences More Inclusive

Ensuring that your technical conference provides a welcome environment for a wide range of attendees is important for broadening participation in technology. Use these tips ...

One-Pager: Workforce Alliance

A one-page overview of the NCWIT Workforce Alliance, including outcomes, testimonials, and ways to support its work.

Tapestry Workshop-in-a-Box

Tapestry Workshop-in-a-Box contains materials for organizing professional development workshops that train high school educators in research-based, field-tested ways to attract and retain more and diverse ...

Webinar: Increase Women in Computer Science & Engineering Majors: 5 Evidence-Based Strategies (A Case Study)

This webinar was presented on May 18, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. EDT by Dr. Jennifer Goodall, an Extension Services Consultant, and Elizabeth Ensweiler, the Director ...

Resources for Increasing Participation and Transparency in Patenting

Patenting processes are often unclear, making it difficult for employees to know when an idea, process, or product should be patented or how they might ...

Multiple Factors Converge to Influence Women’s Persistence in Computing: A Qualitative Analysis

Previous research has suggested that access and exposure to computing, social supports, preparatory privilege, a sense of belonging in computing, and a computing identity all ...

Interrupting Bias in Industry Settings

Use this resource to help you practice ways to interrupt bias in real-life situations. Click the “View” button to see an online version, or click ...

Group Discussion: Interrupting Bias in Industry Settings

Use this resource to help you facilitate a group discussion.

Interrupting Bias in Academic Settings

Use this resource to help you practice ways to interrupt bias in real-life situations. Click the button below to download a printable copy of this ...

Efforts to Make Computer Science More Inclusive of Women

This article in a special issue of ACM InRoads magazine describes recent initiatives by NCWIT, ACM-W, and Anita Borg Institute to broaden participation in computing.

Black Women and Girls in Computing Roundtable: Executive Brief

In August 2016, representatives from more than 40 non-profit, industry, media, education, and policy organizations gathered for a Black Women and Girls in Computing Roundtable, ...

Collaborating to Grow the Pathway of Native Americans in STEM

Intel, in partnership with NCWIT, hosted Growing the Legacy of Native American Leadership in Science and Technology: A Thought Leadership Event. Key leaders in academia, ...

Entrepreneurial Startup Toolkit

The Entrepreneurial Startup Toolkit is a collection of resources and recommendations to help small and growing companies with technical talent, learn how to create inclusive ...

10 Actionable Ways to Actually Increase Diversity in Tech

Tech’s diversity problem is not new information, especially to those of us who work in the industry. There is a trend taking hold in tech ...

Women in Tech: The Facts (2016 Update)

One of NCWIT’s most popular reports has been updated for 2016. See what’s changed and what hasn’t. Women in Tech: The Facts brings together the ...

Male Allies and Advocates:* Helping Create Inclusive & Highly Productive Technology Workplaces

The NCWIT Male Allies and Advocates Toolkit is intended to support workplace efforts to engage male allies and advocates in diversity and inclusion initiatives. These ...

Critical Listening Guide: Just Because You Always Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

Use this guide to help identify common misunderstandings that surface when people talk about how to increase the participation of women. Learn to spot “red ...

NCWIT Tips: 8 Tips for Announcing Your Workforce Diversity Numbers

Releasing the diversity demographics of your technical workforce is important for stimulating open conversation and measuring efforts to increase diversity in your organization. These tips ...

NCWIT Tips: 7 Tips for Conducting Inclusive Faculty Searches

Subtle barriers might be preventing you from hiring the best available candidates. These tips will help you conduct inclusive searches that appeal to women and ...

Recruiting, Retaining, and Advancing a Diverse Technical Workforce: Data Collection and Strategic Planning Guidelines

Developing a diverse workforce must be treated like any other critical business issue. Use this guide to help you collect important data and develop a ...

NCWIT Tips: 8 Ways to Give Employees More Effective Feedback Using a Growth Mindset

Effective feedback gives employees information they can realistically use to increase their learning and improve their performance. It abandons a “fixed mindset” that sees skills ...
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