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2017 NCWIT Summit - Summit Welcome by Lucy Sanders

2017 NCWIT Summit – Summit Welcome

LUCY SANDERS: Well, good morning, everybody. Yeah, yeah. I’m Lucy Sanders, I’m the CEO and Co-founder of NCWIT, and along with my other two co-founders, ...
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Headshot of Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-Founder NCWIT

2017 NCWIT Summit – Collegiate Award

LUCY SANDERS: The first segment, the Collegiate Award, the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Collegiate Award. I have two people who will come on stage and ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit - Plenary I, The New Women’s Movement by Frances Fox Piven

Conversations for Change: NCWIT Summit: The New Women’s Movement by Frances Fox Piven

BOBBY SCHNABEL: Good morning. I’m afraid that I don’t have any Photoshopped family pictures to show you. I can report to you, however, that the ...
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2017 NCWIT Summit – Mini Plenary, Male Advocacy by Brad McLain and Catherine Ashcraft

BRAD McLAIN: We’re gonna kick off starting on the basic level. But if you’re already familiar with male allies and advocate work, you’re gonna get ...
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Headshot of Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-Founder NCWIT

2017 NCWIT Summit – Academic Alliance Seed Fund Awards

LUCY SANDERS: Alright, well good afternoon everybody, welcome back. I hope you had a very busy and informative time. Lots of different discussions going on, ...
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Mo Fong - Director, CS Education with Google 2017 NCWIT Summit - Extension Services Transformation (NEXT) Awards

2017 NCWIT Summit – Extension Services Transformation (NEXT) Awards

LUCY SANDERS: Please do welcome Terry Morreale, the NCWIT Associate Director and Chief Technology Officer to the stage, for the NEXT award. TERRY MORREALE: What? ...
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Supervising-in-a-Box Series: Performance Review/Talent Management

Supervising-in-a-Box: Performance Review/Talent Management provides supervisors with resources for reducing biases in performance evaluation and talent management systems. This “Box” includes tip sheets, resources for ...
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What are the Important Components of Targeted Recruiting?

Targeted recruiting means planning strategically: set quantifiable goals; identify large, capable audiences; personalize the content of your message; deliver that message in media that are ...
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How Can Reducing Unconscious Bias Increase Women’s Success in IT?

Research shows that even individuals committed to equality harbor unconscious biases that impact everyday decisions and interactions. In the IT workplace, unconscious gender bias can ...
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Roadshow-in-a-Box: Capitalizing on Models for Outreach

Roadshow-in-a-Box is a complete set of resources developed for colleges and universities wanting to establish or enhance their roadshow outreach programs. It draws on the ...
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Strategic Planning for Increasing Women’s Participation in the Computing Industry

This workbook presents guidelines for strategic planning to reach gender parity in technology companies or departments. Key components include: A Blueprint for Sustained Increases in ...
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How Does Engaging Curriculum Attract Students to Computing?

Making curricula more relevant to students, introducing collaborative learning into the classroom, and tailoring courses to different student experience levels benefit female as well as ...
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