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Based on social science theory and evidence, NCWIT resources provide practical tips and recommendations for change leaders to take effective action. Access hundreds of free resources that encourage cultural and environmental change, from the classroom to the boardroom.


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204 Resources

Get a one-page overview of the NCWIT Academic Alliance, including outcomes, testimonials, and ways to support its work.

Why do some women persist in computing and others don’t? The NCWIT “Learning from Young Women” study was a longitudinal mixed methods research project that explored this question. This longitudinal study included a large sample of…

“Tech Culture Interrupted” is an engaging and provocative conversation between NCWIT social scientists (Dr. Catherine Ashcraft and Dr. Brad McLain) and a variety of special guests from the tech industry’s top leaders and innovators. The…

Encuentra el camino más adecuado para tu vocación. Esta tarjeta con puntos de conversación explica cómo los intereses y talentos en materia de computación se corresponden con diferentes programas académicos a nivel de licenciatura y…

NCWIT has developed a new messaging platform that emphasizes the creative potential for organizations that invest in fostering a culture where girls, women, and underrepresented groups participate with strong voices. The headline, “The idea you…

The design and décor of the physical spaces where people work contain signals about who does and who does not belong there. When we view these spaces through a diversity of perspectives, we can reveal…

Research shows that even individuals who consider themselves committed to equality still engage in unconscious forms of bias and discrimination that negatively affect the evaluations and experiences of women and other underrepresented groups at work….

There is consensus among researchers that encouragement matters and plays a critical role in engaging more young women and girls in computing. Here are some key highlights from published research studies, and follow-up tips on…

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