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Did You Know?

Is it time to stop giving women entrepreneurs extra help? According to bNet columnist Mark Henricks, yes. In making this assertion he cites a report

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Did You Know?

The Wall Street Journal website FINS picked up on a provocative blog post making the rounds this week, which describes how a large banking corporation

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Did You Know?

Did you know that women now earn more graduate degrees than men?  A new report (PDF) from the Council of Graduate Schools, as reported on

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A Busy Day in Washington, D.C.

On September 16, 2010, NCWIT’s Policy and Media representative in Washington, The Honorable Paula Stern, attended President Barack Obama’s speech delivered at the White House,

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Did You Know?

SUNY Oswego reported this week that it had received a $200,000 “catalyst” grant from the National Science Foundation to study the status of women faculty

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