Archives: Videos

Gray and green graphic design with photos of Shijuade Kadree and Jeffrey Siminoff smiling toward the viewer and text: "The idea you don't have is the voice you haven't heard; Conversations for Change; The Criminalization of Inclusion"

Conversations for Change: The Criminalization of Inclusion: Spotlight on Anti-DEI Rhetoric

Recently, the national discourse on DEI has given rise to anti-DEI proposals, policies and legislation across the U.S., fueling anti-DEI rhetoric and complicating equity initiatives. Continuing to advocate for equity in STEM is vitally important, but how can organizations effectively advocate for inclusion when it may eventually be illegal to have certain DEI initiatives? This Conversation for Change will address the complicated landscape of DEI advocacy within the current climate. We will discuss how to do equity work amid uncertainty and strategies to promote inclusivity.

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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: Support and Strengthen Pre-college STEM Programs

Hear from Dr. Jennifer Elise Iriti and team on how to support pre-college STEM programs and strengthen how they serve Black and Brown students. Learn

Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: Support and Strengthen Pre-college STEM Programs Read More »

Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: Broadening Minority Participation in STEM

As technology continues to evade every aspect of modern life, there is a growing need for technology designers and developers. There is a nationwide push

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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: CS + Science: Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a growing field that is called upon to address global challenges such as fighting pandemics, detecting/treating diseases, and improving the quality of life.

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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: National Center for Computer Science Education

Join us to discuss how electronic textbooks (e-books) can help with learning Computer Science. High school and college students as well as educators have access

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Graphic design in blue and green framing a white rectangle containing the logo for | Higher Ed Alliance, the names and four grayscale photos of participating speakers (upper left: Dr. Leo Porter; upper right: Sophia Krause-Levy; lower left: Dr. Beth Simon; and lower right: Dr. Cynthia Taylor) and the text: "Meeting of the minds; Wednesday, April 12th; 9-10:30 a.m. PST \ 12-1:20 p.m. EST"

Conversations for Change: Higher Ed Insights: Inclusive Pedagogy Panel Discussion on Peer Instruction and Curriculum Development

Originally presented on Wednesday, April 12th from 9:00-10:30 a.m. PT / 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET Learn and discuss innovative solutions alongside peers on two vital components

Conversations for Change: Higher Ed Insights: Inclusive Pedagogy Panel Discussion on Peer Instruction and Curriculum Development Read More »

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