NCWIT 2012 Summit – Turner Presentation with Lisa Chang

NCWIT 2012 Summit - Turner Presentation with Lisa Chang

[audience applauding]

LISA CHANG: Thank you Lucy, good afternoon everyone. It’s a pleasure to be here. This is Turner’s first active year in participation of NCWIT, and we’re delighted to be here. And just excited to join this community of very passionate women and men supporting women in computing and IT. It is definitely a mission and a passion that we want to invoke at Turner, and certainly within the media industry. As a mother of a teenage daughter, that is headed toward a hopeful career in STEM, I’m very excited about the mission that NCWIT has all through the lifecycle of young girls, women, and future technology leaders. So we look forward to that partnership. It’s my great pleasure today to share in Lucy’s announcement that Turner is making a significant investment in NCWIT for the next couple of years, and building this long and productive relationship. Turner as hopefully you guys know is one of the world’s most recognized media brands, with CNN, Turner’s other networks TNT, TBS, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, and although our business is primarily in television, we definitely have expanded our portfolio into the digital space with the onset of all the websites that support our properties, as well as all the various apps that now support our networks. So content might be at the heart of our business, but technology is the core of how we get our content out. Our affiliation with NCWIT provides us with a valuable opportunity to extend that footprint into the technology space, and hopefully align our efforts with increasing women in technology. We deeply value NCWIT’s mission to increase women in IT and computing, and we also agree that more women in the space will make it a more productive and competitive environment. Our investment as Lucy said is multifaceted. As she also mentioned, we have been streaming live the summit for the past few days, and I just wanna take a minute to thank the folks from Turner Studios that we have here, David Kennerly, Marty Beeson, Dennis Besar, as well as a local crew based here Angel Hawthorne, Aaron Britton and Dan Sellers, so thanks guys for all your work. [audience applauding] The content that’s streamed is also being archived, and I think it’s gonna be available on the website, which hopefully again will make the content available even greater to folks that could not be here and will live on for a little bit longer. So as she also mentioned, we are trying to use our media expertise to expand the footprint, and we’re proud to partner on the production of a new NCWIT video, which we are debuting here today. It was created by our in-house Turner Studios group, and this video is really in recognition of NCWIT’s efforts and passion, and it was created to visually and creatively evangelize the very important message that NCWIT is trying to get out. So we’re excited to be part of this revolution, and we hope you’ll join us. Thank you, so can we roll the video?


I believe this is another generation of products yet to be birthed, when women contribute.

We want to have people in the workplace that look like the world.

I love technology because there’s so many opportunities. [upbeat rock music]

We want to have people in the workplace that look like the world. And the world isn’t just one gender.

What’s cool about technology is that it’s always changing. Technology is never the same.

I think it’s cool that you can take something complicated, and just one person can make it easier for everyone else.

I love technology because there’s so many opportunities.

I believe this is another generation of products yet to be birthed, when women contribute to the ideas, the solutions, that can solve some of the world’s problems.

As the world has become more complex, diversity becomes more important.

One of the things that’s so powerful about having women and men involved in working on things together is that you get very different perspectives that cross over gender boundaries, and cross over style matters.

It is really critical that we get more people worldwide, and particularly in the United States, into technical fields, and more women.

I look at NCWIT members as revolutionaries. As real change agents. Every day, they’re thinking about ways to increase girls’ participation in computing. [upbeat rock music] [audience applauding]

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