Jamie Payton

A headshot of Jamie Payton smiling at the camera. She's wearing an olive green jacket over a pink top and standing in front of a natural background.
Temple University
Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Jamie Payton is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Temple University. Her research interests include pervasive computing systems for smart health and well-being, broadening participation of historically excluded groups in computing, and evidence-based approaches to improving computer science education. She is the Director of the STARS Computing Corps, a national alliance of over 70 colleges and universities with a shared mission to develop department, faculty, and student leadership in broadening participation of historically excluded groups in computing. As a co-founder of the International Conference on Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), Payton has led efforts to establish a scholarly venue that bring together researchers in computer science, education, learning sciences, gender studies, sociology, and related fields to disseminate and promote interdisciplinary research on broadening participation in computing. Payton is also a Co-PI and Director of Broadening Participation for the NSF AI Institute for Inclusive and Innovative Technologies for Education (INVITE), leading efforts to provide opportunities to develop knowledge about the use, control, and impact of AI-enabled systems and to actively build a diverse future workforce to create the next generation of AI technologies.

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