NCWIT Conversations for Change with Jonah Edelman: Accelerating Racial Equity Progress

Date: November 3, 2022
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Online
Conversations for Change
The idea you don't have is the voice you haven't heard: Conversations for Change, an online thought leadership series

Leading social entrepreneur and racial equity expert Jonah Edelman will join NCWIT at 11 a.m. MT on November 3, 2022, for a presentation and dialogue about leading national nonprofit Management Leadership for Tomorrow’s groundbreaking, research-aligned, and impactful Black and Hispanic Equity at Work Certification Programs, which provide comprehensive measurement, a rigorous roadmap, multi-faceted support, and valuable recognition and have been embraced by 65 major employers and leading institutional investors. Come and learn how this innovative program came about, how it is being utilized by and impacting a wide range of companies, and key lessons learned to date.

Jonah Edelman is co-founder and Executive Officer of Stand for Children, and co-founder of Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) Black and Hispanic Equity at Work Certification. Stand for Children is a non-profit education advocacy organization focused on ensuring all students receive a high quality, relevant education, especially those whose boundless potential is overlooked and under-tapped because of their skin color, zip code, first language, or disability. Stand for Children’s nine state affiliates (AZ, CO, IL, IN, LA, OR, TN, TX, and WA) work to achieve education equity with an emphasis on helping children at the bottom of the economic ladder to rise up. Launched in 2002, MLT is a national nonprofit that is transforming the leadership pipelines of more than 120 leading organizations by driving breakthrough results for individuals and institutions which equips and emboldens high-achieving individuals from underrepresented communities — Black, Latinx, and Native American — to realize their full potential, to make a mark, and make a difference. MLT has convened a uniquely powerful and vibrant community of Rising Leaders — 8,000 and growing — who are propelling change throughout our institutions, communities, and nation.

About NCWIT Conversations for Change

Get ready for conversations, Q&As, on-demand videos, and more! Fully immerse yourself in research-based recommendations and peer-to-peer discussions to further your efforts in creating inclusive cultures.

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