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Please join us as we hear from two leaders at the forefront of advancing racial equity in computing: Dr. Allison Scott, CEO of the Kapor Center, and Dr. Ivory A. Toldson, the national director of Education Innovation and Research for the NAACP. The Kapor Center’s work focuses at the intersection of racial justice and technology, and they are committed to fighting for racial justice and creating a more inclusive technology sector. The NAACP is the home of grassroots activism for civil rights and social justice, and has been working to disrupt systemic inequities since 1909.
Together, the Kapor Center and the NAACP published “The State of Tech Diversity: The Black Tech Ecosystem,” as a means to offer concrete solutions for improving access and inclusion for Black Americans in tech.
In this conversation, we will hear more about their individual and collective efforts to positively impact the future of computing.
For more information, visit the event page.
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