Conversations for Change: Higher Ed Insights: Ensuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the Job Description to the Offer in Faculty Hiring


Join us in reviewing the most recent installment of the Meeting of the Minds hosted by NCWIT’s Academic Alliance. Hiring faculty in computing and IT is challenging, especially when trying to reach beyond the majority groups. Our panel shared some of their expertise, insights, and helpful resources before heading into group breakout discussion.

In this conversation, you will hear from Robyn Sandekian, Ph.D. Director of Faculty Advancement, University of Colorado Boulder, Grayson Hunt, Ph.D. Director of Equity Outreach and Resources, University of Texas Austin, Cheryl Swanier, Ph.D. Senior Teaching Faculty, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Brianna Blaser, Ph.D. Associate Director of AccessComputing, University of Washington.

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