This Job Description Checklist helps you analyze ads for subtle biases in language, in criteria, and in how you describe your workplace. Related Resources: View NCWIT […]

These tips provide “before and after” examples of ads with balanced language and other guidelines for writing unbiased job descriptions. Related Resources: View the NCWIT Checklist

Your computing department’s website is an important source of information for current and prospective students. These tips will help you create a website that welcomes

Women in Computing (WIC) groups on college and university campuses can help reduce feelings of isolation and increase a sense of community and belonging. They

The first step toward an effective flexible workplace is for managers to create an environment where employees feel they can discuss available work-life options without

Ensuring that your technical conference provides a welcome environment for a wide range of attendees is important for broadening participation in technology. Use these tips

Subtle barriers might be preventing you from hiring the best available candidates. These tips will help you conduct inclusive searches that appeal to women and

Releasing the diversity demographics of your technical workforce is important for stimulating open conversation and measuring efforts to increase diversity in your organization. These tips

Effective feedback gives employees information they can realistically use to increase their learning and improve their performance. It abandons a “fixed mindset” that sees skills

Effective feedback gives students the information they actually use to increase their learning and improve their performance. It should employ a “growth mindset” that focuses

Use these tips to identify likely male advocates. Also use this resource to spark discussion or role-play how you might put these tips into action

Once you have identified potential advocates, use these tips to increase their advocacy. These ideas and quotes are drawn from research NCWIT conducted with male

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