Evaluation Tools By Audience WHAT ARE YOU EVALUATING? A K-12 Class (K-12 Students | K-12 Teachers) A Workplace Intervention (Managers/Supervisors | Employees) A Post-secondary Intervention (Post-secondary Faculty | Post-secondary Students) A K-12 Outreach Effort (K-12 Students | Staff/College Students) An Event or Celebration (Attendees) Click here to return to Evaluation Tools overview webpage >> A K-12 Class K-12 Students Surveys: Software: Classroom Experience Survey Computing Interest-Confidence-Perception Survey Middle School Computing Program: Participant Post-Only Survey E-Textiles Participant Pre Survey E-Textiles Participant Post Survey Grade 4-12 Computing Program Participant Pre-Survey Grade 4-12 Computing Program Participant Post-Survey Observation Protocol K-12 Teachers Surveys: Teacher Workshop Pre-Post Survey E-Textiles Teacher Workshop Experience Survey Tapestry Pre-Workshop Survey Tapestry Post-Workshop Survey Tapestry Post-Workshop Follow-Up Survey BACK TO TOP A K-12 Class | A Workplace Intervention | A Post-secondary Intervention | A K-12 Outreach Effort | An Event or Celebration A Workplace Intervention Managers/Supervisors Checklists, Self-Assessments, and Templates: Employee Development: Supervisor Checklist Employee Recruitment and Selection: Supervisor Checklist Team Management: Supervisor Self-Assessment Performance Review Bias Reduction: Supervisor Self-Assessment Performance Review: Reducing Unconscious Bias Checklist Tracking Job Candidate Demographics Male Allies Strategic Plan Evaluation Template Basic Tracking of Awareness Raising Efforts Sample Template Inclusive Environmental Assessment Guide Reducing Bias Performance Review Checklist Surveys: Employee Recruitment and Selection: Supervisor Pre-Post Survey Employees Checklists, Self-Assessments, and Templates: Supervisor Task Assessment Surveys: Mentoring Program Evaluation Survey Employee Engagement Survey Supervisor Team Management: Employee Survey Quality of Events Sample Post Event Evaluation Sample Employee Survey or Pulse Check Questions Interviews and Focus Groups: Sample Questions BACK TO TOP A K-12 Class | A Workplace Intervention | A Post-secondary Intervention | A K-12 Outreach Effort | An Event or Celebration A Post-secondary Intervention Post-secondary Faculty Checklists, Self-Assessments, and Templates: Post-REU Faculty Self-Assessment Interview Guide: Post-REU Faculty-Student Conversation Starter Post-secondary Students Checklists, Self-Assessments, and Templates: Post-REU Skills and Preparation: Student Self-Assessment (long) Post-REU Skills and Preparation: Student Self-Assessment (short) Interview Protocol for Program Participants Surveys: Pair Programming: Student Final Assessment Entry Survey into College Major - Guide and Template Climate Survey for the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering (PACE) BACK TO TOP A K-12 Class | A Workplace Intervention | A Post-secondary Intervention | A K-12 Outreach Effort | An Event or Celebration A K-12 Outreach Effort K-12 Students Interview Guide: Student Outreach Experience: Interview Protocol for Students Surveys: Student Computing Interest: Pre-Survey for Outreach Program Student Computing Interest: Post-Survey for Outreach Program Incoming Student Survey Parent Survey Staff/College Students Surveys: Program Partner Survey BACK TO TOP A K-12 Class | A Workplace Intervention | A Post-secondary Intervention | A K-12 Outreach Effort | An Event or Celebration An Event or Celebration Attendees Surveys: Regional Celebration: Participant Survey International Women's Day Event: Participant Survey Computing Award Event: Recipient Survey Broadening Participation in Computing State Summit BACK TO TOP A K-12 Class | A Workplace Intervention | A Post-secondary Intervention | A K-12 Outreach Effort | An Event or Celebration