CSEdWeek – Pledge Highlights

Good morning, and welcome to day three of CS Ed Week (December 5-11)! We thought we’d take this opportunity to highlight some of the pledges we’ve seen so far. Today, we feature pledges from teachers and the education community.
Want to get involved? Check out the CS Ed Week website for more information, and sign the pledge here!
K Miller, a computer science teacher, will show the videos posted on the CSTA website to each of my classes. I may also share these with students who have other teachers during an after school session.
Leighanne Young, a Computer Science teacher at Whitehouse High School in Texas, will do an assignment where students will use thier choice of presentation software such as glogster, Prezi, Power Point or Word to create a presentation to encourage and raise awareness about Computer Science Education.
Pat Yongpradit, a teacher at Springbrook High School in Silver Spring, Maryland, invited the Microsoft Director of Communications for Worldwide Education, Suzi LeVine, come to school and meet with the Springbrook Women in Technology. I am playing the CSTA provided videos for my morning announcements all week.
Charles Fulco, a science teacher at Port Chester Middle School, will instruct his students how to incorporate and integrate computer science into their daily workload, to create a virtually paperless class.
Shemeka Shufford, the CTE Coordinator for Chalrotte-Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, North Carolina, will be distributing activities to be conducted in the classroom to all middle schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Teachers will be given opportunities to win resources for their classrooms based on the number of activities conducted in their classrooms throughout the week. Students will have an opportunity to enter a writing contest inclusive of poems and essays on “What Computer Science means to Me”
Susanne Steiger-Escobar, a professor at MassBay Community College, plans to update her department’s facebook page everyday with links that show how CS is used to help the world.
Eileen Bomberger, a kindergarten teacher, is developing a Kind-garden website lesson on wiki for my kindergarten students. I am a Media Specialist trying to include my kindergarten students to appreciate what is offered by learning more about the computer.
David Meyer, a K-12 Special Education Teacher in Frederick County Public Schools in Maryland, will introduce some portion of computer science education via application or other means utilizing the csedweek.org website and other resources available for 5-10 minutes before each Math and Science class. Students will become engaged in the presentation by writing their own thoughts or opinions regarding what was presented and/or what they have learned/want to know more about, etc. The classroom wiki will be the resource vehicle for presentation of each daily installment.
Renee Ciezki, a Computer Science teacher and secretary of CSTA Arizona, will show a short CS video on the school’s morning announcements each day of Computer Science Education Week. She’ll also be talking to her students and asking them to come up with some other ideas.
What will you do?  Let us know!
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