University Pathway to IT and Computing Careers

Are any of these true for you?

solution puzzle stock photoAre you someone who...
  • enjoys solving puzzles or logic problems?
  • is good at breaking big problems into smaller parts?
  • is interested in understanding how computers can help solve some of the world's most pressing problems?
  • likes finding better and faster ways to get things done?
  • wants to help build the next generation of smart phones, 3D virtual reality environments, or high-tech clothing?
You might want to enroll in a university or four-year college and get a degree in computing!

young black business woman photoIT and computing jobs are plentiful...

Even with a general employment downturn, IT and computing jobs are growing fast. Average projected growth of all U.S. occupations between 2016 and 2026 is 7%. Technology jobs are likely to increase by 13% during the same period.

...and they pay well.

Money Stock PhotoThe average starting salary offered to computer science graduates is $74,183, roughly $23,000 higher than the starting salary for graduates across the professions, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Want in? A college degree in a computing major will make it happen. Read on to see how your interests line up with different degrees and careers in computing.
Degree Programs Some Job Titles Include Projected Growth 2016-2026 2016 Average Annual Wage 2016 Average Hourly Wage
COMPUTER SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (CSE) professionals design and build software. They design, define, and organize many aspects of a complex software product. CSE is a foundation for many different computing careers.
Computer and Information Research Scientist 19% $111,840 $53.77
Software Developer 24% $102,280 $49.17
Information Security Analyst
C4C Cybersecurity Icon
28% $92,600 $44.52
INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IS) specialists design and manage computing systems that help organizations achieve their goals. Most IS programs are found in business schools.
Computer and Information Systems Manager 12% $135,800 $65.29
Computer Systems Analyst 9% $87,220 $41.93
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) professionals support, troubleshoot, and design elements of the IT infrastructure (websites to networks) in organizations including businesses, government, schools, health care, and more.
Database Administrator 11% $84,950 $40.84
Web Developer or Website Manager 15% $66,130 $31.79
Network and Computer Systems Administrator 6% $79,700 $38.32
Computer Network Architect 6% $101,210 $48.66

Get started now!

  1. Take math, IT, and computer science classes.
  2. Look for extracurricular computing activities.
  3. Talk with your school counselor and computer science teacher about your interests and let them advise you.
  4. Do research: meet with advisors at colleges and universities.
  5. Apply at the universities or colleges with programs that suit your interests.


Counselors for Computing (C4C) is a project of the NCWIT K-12 Alliance, made possible by the Merck Company Foundation, Google, Palo Alto Networks, and Apple.


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