Use this guide to help identify common misunderstandings that surface when people talk about how to increase the participation of women. Learn to spot “red […]

Use this resource to help you facilitate a group discussion.

Flexible work arrangements and career paths, along with re-entry training and support, can attract and retain mid-career female employees.

The décor of physical spaces conveys messages about the kinds of people who belong there and the kinds of activities that should be done there.

Use this resource to help you practice ways to interrupt bias in real-life situations. Click the “View” button to see an online version, or click

The NCWIT Male Allies and Advocates Toolkit is intended to support workplace efforts to engage male allies and advocates in diversity and inclusion initiatives. These

This Job Description Checklist helps you analyze ads for subtle biases in language, in criteria, and in how you describe your workplace. Related Resources: View NCWIT

The NCWIT Scorecard is a place you can find data on trends in the participation in computing in the U.S. over time, by race and

These tips provide “before and after” examples of ads with balanced language and other guidelines for writing unbiased job descriptions. Related Resources: View the NCWIT Checklist

The first step toward an effective flexible workplace is for managers to create an environment where employees feel they can discuss available work-life options without

Effective feedback gives employees information they can realistically use to increase their learning and improve their performance. It abandons a “fixed mindset” that sees skills

Use these tips to identify likely male advocates. Also use this resource to spark discussion or role-play how you might put these tips into action

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