Grace Hopper: Call for Participation Ends March 16

We’re very excited that the next Grace Hopper Celebration in Computing (GHC) will take place right here in Colorado, October 1-4, at the Keystone Resort. If anything beats the beauty of Rocky Mountain aspens turning gold in the fall, it’s the sight of 1,200+ women gathered together to celebrate their love of technology.

If you’ve never attended a GHC, make this your year to do it. And if you’ve attended before but not participated, make this the year to get more involved. The Call for Participation is open, and submitting online is easy. There are opportunities for students, researchers, industry professionals, and those just interested in connecting with their peers. Submit a paper or a poster, participate on a panel, or suggest a Birds of a Feather gathering. The Call for Participation deadline is March 16.

As October approaches, stay informed about GHC happenings by subscribing to the Anita Borg Institute’s newsletter, or check out the GHC Facebook page.

National Center for Women & Information Technology
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