When you use Google, or a large database, to find things, you have to decide: “Is it any good?” I have collected about 100 recommended resources on women in science and engineering and posted them at http://momox.org/10×10.html. I call it the “10 x 10 List.” The list is organized in chunks, and each chunk is a short list of selected resources customized to a particular audience. Here are some examples. For anyone:
Self study guide – reading for newbies Libraries, knowledge centers, bibliography
For parents and afterschool leaders:
Biographies of women in science and engineering (role models) Video’s and CD’s designed to inspire girls Guides for parents and afterschool leaders S&E afterschool materials and kits
For educators and researchers:
Training and consulting services, technical assistance projects Best practices resources – K-12 University-level transformation/change International activity National policy reports Research on discrimination and women in S&E Statistics on diversity in S&E Title IX and S&E education
For girls and boys:
Games and online activities for children
There is much more out there, of course. Hope you find these helpful! Dr. Ruta Sevo is a consultant on work related to women in science and engineering and her interests include social justice issues, art, and writing.