CSEdWeek – Pledge Highlights: Community and Career Leaders

Good morning, and welcome to day five of CS Ed Week(December 5-11)!
On Monday, we highlighted some pledges from teachers and others in the education community.  Yesterday, we showcased what some students are doing this week for Computer Science Education Week.  Next up?  Let’s see what community and career leaders are doing to participate. 
Want to get involved? Check out the CS Ed Week websitefor more information, and sign the pledge here!

Cathy Ngo, Brownie Leader (2nd graders) troop 445 for Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, is leading the girls at their Brownie Meeting in making their own secret codes by assigning a unique number to each letter of the alphabet as part of the Math Fun try-it. They can set up their scheme however they want, and use it to encode the phrase, “Brownies can do anything!” Then either encode their name or make up their own phrase to encode. They’ll talk about how people spend time thinking about how to encode information to save space, to make encoding/decoding quick, or to make decoding it very difficult. They’ll also talk about what kind of data gets encoded.
Elaine Whitaker, Career Development Coordinator at Cape Hatteras Secondary School, is using the CSTA CSEdWeek daily video clips for the morning announcements!!
Anne-Liese Stuer, is reviewing applications for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Illinois Affiliate.
Shari Money, Manager of Collaborations for Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, is reviewing applications for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Florida Affiliate.
Marcia McLean MacInnis, is reviewing applications for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing New England Affiliate.
Danielle Lee, Urban Outreach Consultant with SCOPE Missouri, will be tweeting and blogging about CSEdWeek. She will use her personal twitter account @DNLee5 and her work twitter account @SCOPEMo. As an outreach scientist, she promotes STEM education and diversity, currently for SCOPE – a grassroots organization that connects communities to education to workforce opportunities in science and technology.

What will you do? Let us know!
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