Anita Borg Awards: Call for Nominations

The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI) is now accepting nominations for three of its awards: the Anita Borg Social Impact Award; the Anita Borg Award for Technical Leadership; and the Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award. The awards will be bestowed at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Keystone, Colorado, October 1-4, 2008.
Nominating is easy — you can do it online. Nominating is also a critical way to bring recognition to the many women whose work in technology goes unrecognized and unrewarded.
The deadline for nominating a candidate is April 30, 2008.
Anita Borg (1949-2003) moved women to embrace technology instead of fearing or ignoring it. She has touched and changed the lives of countless women in the computing fields and beyond, and helped to include women in the technological revolution – not as bystanders, but as active participants and leaders. The Anita Borg Social Impact Award and Award for Technical Leadership honor candidates who fulfill Anita’s vision to dismantle the barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields, and change the way that we think about technology and its impact on our lives. Award-winners are honored with an awards banquet at the Grace Hopper Celebration and a $10,000 prize.
The Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award, now in its second year, honors a junior, non-tenured faculty member under 40 who has significantly promoted diversity in his or her environment. Professor Denice Denton (1959 – 2006) was a pioneer in many respects: a woman engineering faculty, who became the first woman Dean of School of Engineering in a major US institution, worked throughout her life to make engineering attractive to women and minorities, and helped many people to break barriers and find their path in life by strongly promoting and fighting for diversity in higher education.
If you know someone whose work merits recognition from awards such as these, please don’t hesitate to nominate him or her. Help shine a light on the people who are revolutionizing the face of technologyâ„¢.

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