Thandeka K. Chapman, PhD

Thandeka Chapman headshot

Dr. Thandeka K. Chapman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Her research focuses on desegregation policy initiatives, urban school reforms, teaching and learning in racially diverse classrooms, and teaching writing in secondary classrooms. Using her findings, she assists districts, traditional schools, and charter schools in alleviating barriers to student learning and develops policies, teaching practices, and curricula that better serve the social and academic needs of all students. Chapman has published in the areas of English education, qualitative inquiry, urban education, and multicultural education. She also works with schools and communities to improve learning environments and instructional practices for racially and socially diverse groups of students. She holds a BA in English from Spelman College, an MA in Curriculum Planning from the University of Michigan, and a PhD in English Education and Urban Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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