Randy Stoecker

Randy Stoecker headshot

Randy Stoecker is a Professor in the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, with a joint appointment in the University of Wisconsin-Extension Center for Community and Economic Development. He has worked on information technology and inequality issues since the mid-1990s, including the CATNeT project in Toledo, Ohio, and the Techshop project in Madison, Wisconsin. He specializes in providing support to a wide variety of community organizations through the practice of participatory action research. He moderates/edits the On-Line Conference on Community Organizing (COMM-ORG) and conducts trainings and speaks on community organizing and development, community-based participatory research/evaluation, higher education community engagement strategies, and community information technology.

Randy has written extensively on community organizing and development, higher education engagement with community, and community information technology. He has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, and an MS in Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

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