Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton
The Clinton Foundation
Vice Chair

Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, works with her parents, President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, to drive the vision and work of the Clinton Foundation. Over the past 12 years, the Foundation has built partnerships with great purpose among governments, businesses, NGOs, and individuals everywhere to strengthen health systems in developing countries, fight climate change, expand economic opportunity in Africa, Latin America, and the United States, and help Americans live healthier lives. Additionally, Clinton Global Initiative members have made more than 2,800 Commitments to Action to improve more than 430 million lives in more than 180 countries.

Chelsea focuses especially on the Foundation’s health programs, including the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which strengthens health care and access to lifesaving services in the developing world; the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which fights childhood obesity in the United States; and the Clinton Health Matters Initiative, which addresses preventable disease in the United States. She also established – and continues to lead – the Clinton Foundation Day of Action program, which identifies and organizes meaningful service opportunities for Foundation staff, friends, and partners and for the wider Foundation community. As one of the strongest champions of the Clinton Global Initiative University, Chelsea works to empower the next generation of change makers to take action on some of the world’s most urgent challenges. And through the Clinton Foundation Millennium Network, Chelsea plays an integral role in inspiring young leaders and philanthropists to get involved in the work of the Foundation.

In addition to her Foundation work, Chelsea is a special correspondent for NBC News. She previously worked at McKinsey & Company and Avenue Capital.

Chelsea also serves on the boards of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the School of American Ballet, Common Sense Media and the Weill Cornell Medical College. She is the Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Of Many Institute at NYU. Chelsea holds a B.A. from Stanford, a MPhil from Oxford, and a MPH from Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, and is currently pursuing a doctorate at Oxford.

She and her husband, Marc, live in New York City.

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