Amy P. Abernethy, MD PhD

Amy Abernethy headshot

Amy P. Abernethy, MD PhD, a hematologist/oncologist and palliative care physician, is Professor of Medicine in the Duke University School of Medicine, Director of the Duke Center for Learning Health Care (CLHC) in the Duke Clinical Research Institute, and Chief Medical Officer at Flatiron Health — a health technology company focused on organizing the world’s cancer data and making it useful for patients, clinicians, and researchers. She is an appointee to the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s National Cancer Policy Forum, Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Personalized Medicine Coalition, Co-Chair of the U.S. National Institutes of Health funded Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group, and Chair of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measures Task Force for the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute National Clinical Research Network. With more than 400 publications, Abernethy is an internationally recognized expert in patient-centered cancer care, patient reported outcome measures, and clinical informatics. She received her MD from the Duke University School of Medicine and her PhD in Medicine from Flinders University of South Australia.

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