Each May, educators, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and social scientists from across industries and disciplines (men and women) participate in the NCWIT Summit. NCWIT is the trusted source for research-based strategies that facilitate systemic reform in computing classes and technical organizations. NCWIT member representatives, notable field experts, and renowned guests present and learn about leading-edge practices, give and receive encouragement, and network and form partnerships.
Why Is the Summit Critical?
It’s about fixing systems, not people.
Historically, the default for organizational efforts has been to employ a “fix the person” approach as a way for women (and all underrepresented groups) to survive in an existing biased system. Teaching women to be more “confident” and “confrontational,” for example, will never change the status quo. This kind of professional development can help a few individuals advance, but it will never bring about systemic sustainable change.
If organizations do not change the biased environment, systemic change will not occur.
The NCWIT research-based approach is about improving the environment for everyone. The Summit equips change leaders to address organizational culture and make systemic change.
“I always learn from both presenters and other attendees. You challenge me to think differently and act differently. It’s also a very engaging conference—we don’t just sit back and listen—we work.” ~ NCWIT Summit Attendee