Celebrating CSEdWeek 2020: A Resource for Counselors and Educators

Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to explore computer science. It’s also the perfect time for educators, counselors, and administrators to raise awareness about computing programs and extracurricular opportunities. With a wealth of free materials available from organizations like NCWIT Affinity Alliance Member Code.org, educators have more resources than ever to help them promote CSEdWeek. And what’s more, many of these activities are designed to be facilitated by anyone, regardless of prior computing knowledge. This document, produced by NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C), offers a wide range of options that educators can use to get students excited about coding. Whether you have a week or more to plan your CSEdWeek celebration, or you need an activity you can put together at a moment’s notice, this list has something for everyone.

Download the PDF here.

National Center for Women & Information Technology
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