2021 vNCWIT Summit SWAG Box Submissions Closed

Apologies! The Swag boxes are no longer available for order.
Access most of its contents online, through the links below.

re:think, a thought leadership magazine from NCWIT, advocates for a more diverse, equal, and inclusive technology industry. Gain insights on inclusion from experts who guide our shifting culture, from technologists whose innovations undoubtedly impact our daily lives, and from change leaders who use their positions of influence to reveal the potential in everyone. It’s time to re:imagine the parts each of us play in creating a better future.


Critical Listening Guide: Just Because You Always Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True
Use this guide to help identify common misunderstandings that surface when people talk about how to increase the participation of women. Learn to spot “red flags” that indicate a particular discussion is headed in a direction that may not be research-based or effective.


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