Strengthening the American Workforce: Women in Computing and Technology Careers

Source Name: The Conference Board

Despite past and projected rapid growth in computing-related job openings, women continue to be underrepresented in the fields of computing and technology. In the face of increasing global competition, as the U.S. seeks to bolster the strength, skills, and size of its labor force, helping more women to pursue and advance in careers in tech could be a critical component of a modern workforce strategy. Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-founder of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), and Paula Stern, CED Legacy Trustee and Founder and President of The Stern Group, discuss NCWIT’s efforts to “revolutionize the face of technology” by increasing girls’ and women’s participation throughout the tech ecosystem, from K-12 and higher education to the industry itself, with lessons for increasing the participation and utilization of women and underrepresented minorities throughout the US economy.

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