The Broader Engagement Initiative: Now Accepting Applications

Applications for grants to participate in the SC07 Technical Program under the Broader Engagement Initiative are being accepted through Friday, June 29. The SC Broader Engagement (BE) initiative is aimed at broadening the engagement of individuals from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in high performance computing.

SC07 is the international conference for high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. Sponsored by ACM and IEEE Computer Society, the conference will showcase how these technologies lead to advances in research, education and commerce. The conference includes technical and education programs, workshops, tutorials, an exhibit area, demonstrations and hands-on learning.

Grants will be available to support participation in the SC07 Technical Program. In addition to the complementary conference registration, grant recipients will be reimbursed for their SC expenses for lodging and transportation, up to an agreed upon amount. More information, including a link to the application form, can be found here.

Applications are encouraged from those in all computing-related disciplines, including those with backgrounds in research, education, and industry. Primary consideration will be given to applicants from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in high performance computing, such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Indigenous People, and women.

Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by August 1. For more information, visit the BE website or send email to [email protected].

Jennifer Teig von Hoffman is the Assistant Director of the Scientific Computing and Visualization group at Boston University. She chairs the SC07 Broader Engagement Committee, leading activities designed to broaden and deepen the engagement at the SC07 conference of individuals from groups which have traditionally been under-represented in computing.

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