Tech It Out Needs Your Input

Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) is embarking on a critical research project to measure the perceptions of career opportunities for women in technology, and to collect insights on women’s experiences, motivators, and career preferences in technology and potentially the cable industry.
If you are a woman working in a technical field and are interested in participating in a short telephone interview, please follow this link to enter your confidental contact information. A researcher will contact you shortly to conduct the interview. Please feel free to share this request with your female friends and colleagues working in technical fields.
The findings of our study will help to inform WICT of the most effective way for industries to promote careers in technology and help us better understand how the cable industry might be more appealing to women working in technology.
WICT is the oldest and largest organization serving women professionals in cable and telecommunications. WICT creates bold, self-empowered leaders through advocacy and leadership training.
WICT Tech It Out promotes cable technology opportunities to women who are already employed in the cable industry, but are not fully aware of the options available to them. Additionally, the program showcases the cable technology industry to women in other professions (i.e. engineering or IT) who have the necessary skills sets but not the knowledge of cable as a career path option.
Benita Fitzgerald Mosley is President & CEO of WICT.

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