Greetings from NECC 2009!

Greetings from NECC 2009, Partner Booth 0018!
NCWIT’s K-12 Alliance has produced another outstanding kit of computing resources to help educators spark interest of girls in computing, called Gotta Have IT, and Monday was our first day distributing them at NECC.  For 2009, we have a special bonus:  ISTE will host a “Gotta Have IT” webinar on Tuesday, October 20th for all recipients of this year’s kits.  We have been busy scanning as many conference badges as possible (despite a broken scanner Monday afternoon) so that we can invite people to the webinar, and include them in our evaluation later in the 2009-10 school year.

We have a beautiful “double-wide” partner booth immediately next to session room 147A, on the north side of the “L” street entrance, and we brought 4,000 kits to hand out (FREE), so we hope that everyone will spread the word and stop by for a visit. 

A couple of us decided to stay a bit late on Monday, and our extra efforts paid off with a visit from Mitchel Resnick of MIT Media Lab, who developed Scratch, a programming language for kids. Jane had her camera handy, and the picture is truly a “rock star” moment! 

We have had extremely positive feedback on this year’s kit, and we still have more to hand out.  Our mission is to put these valuable resources into the hands of educators who can make the best use of them. If you weren’t able to pick up a kit in person, please visit to download the resources.

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