CSEdWeek – Pledge Highlights: Students

Good morning, and welcome to day four of CS Ed Week(December 5-11)!
Yesterday, we highlighed some pledges from the teachers and others in the education community. Today, we’d like to showcase what some students are doing this week for Computer Science Education Week!
Want to get involved? Check out the CS Ed Week websitefor more information, and sign the pledge here!

Ratan Kumar, a college student at Cochin University of Science and Technology in Kerala India, has made a Google site with friends where they can discuss all the computer science related stuff -http://www.csewave.com.
Omoju Miller, a college student, will be updating my facebook page all week long with all the ways that computer science has changed the world for the better. This way I will reach my friends who are not in the field.
Alexis Miteff, a university student, will be presenting literature review of thesis on network neutrality.
Amilcar Gonzalez, a college student in Puerto Rico, is working with a team to design a module that contains a board, software, a mini game to program, and an annotated presentation for high school teachers. We have identified Puertorrican schools and the module is in Spanish. The objective is to demonstrate that computing and software can be fun and entertaining and also striving to eliminate the stereotypes.
Evymarie Prado, a college student in Puerto Rico and IEE WIE Secretary, is helping to design a module that contains a board, software, a mini game to program, and an annotated presentation for high school teachers. We have identified teachers who are willing to help with and learn from CSEdweek. We are targeting Puerto Rican schools and the module is in Spanish. The objective is to demonstrate that computing and software can be fun and entertaining as well as striving to eliminate the stereotypes.

What will you do? Let us know!
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