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Advising for Future-Ready Careers

Advising for Future-Ready Careers is a monthly webinar series, hosted by NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C), providing information and resources to help counselors join the front line of the computing conversation. This webinar series is free and open to the public, ages 16 and up – geared toward school counselors, educators, graduate students, and those in school advising roles.

Advising for Future-Ready Careers is funded by the Department of Defense STEM (DoD STEM) seeking to attract, inspire, and develop exceptional STEM talent across the educational continuum.

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Episode 21: Support and Strengthen Pre-college STEM Programs

Description: Hear from Dr. Jennifer Elise Iriti and team on how to support pre-college STEM programs and strengthen how they serve Black and Brown students. Learn how to work with admissions offices to pioneer a new way for pre-college programs to carry weight in admissions processes.

Episode 20: Biotechnology with Dr. Bowers-Gentry

Description: Biotechnology is a growing field that is called upon to address global challenges such as fighting pandemics, detecting/treating diseases, and improving the quality of life. This industry has a need for new talent at all levels, from entry level technicians to PhD level scientists. This talk will focus on the interdisciplinary connections in Biotechnology and how this industry needs next generation scientists to lead the way. In addition to describing her own path, Dr. Bowers-Gentry will present on a variety of pathways to become involved in the Biotechnology industry at different levels and how to help students find their way to making an impact through STEM careers in Biotechnology.

Episode 19: National Center for Computer Science Education with Pauline Lake

Description: Join us to discuss how electronic textbooks (e-books) can help with learning Computer Science. High school and college students as well as educators have access to FREE interactive e-books, such as Mobile CSP and CSAwesome, on Runestone Academy to learn how to build their own mobile phone applications and learn Java – all you have to do is register (for FREE!) and get started. The e-books include readings, videos, tutorials, and exercises to guide you on your Computer Science journey. We will share how to access the e-books, additional resources, and more information on other Computer Science Education opportunities.

Episode 18: Using Robotics to Bring More People to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics with Carlotta Berry 

Description: In this talk, Carlotta will present her non-traditional pathway to engineering and how she uses her work to increase the participation of women, Black, and Brown students in STEM. She will highlight her research on mobile robotics, human-robot interaction and engineering education and how she uses it to bring more people to STEM. She will describe the multidisciplinary connections between robotics and other fields such as the arts in order to break the mold for how people typically view those suited for STEM. Finally, she will end with recommendations for how to prepare, support, and guide young people interested in pursuing a career in STEM.

Episode 17: Broadening Minority Participation in STEM with Dr. Tiffanie Smith

Description: As technology continues to evade every aspect of modern life, there is a growing need for technology designers and developers. There is a nationwide push to pursue STEM education. However, for a multitude of reasons, all students of all races or ethnicities may not enter the STEM arena on the same playing field. This talk will focus on my personal journey in STEM and suggestions on how to get minority students interested and engaged in STEM subjects.

Episode 16: Outdoor Industry Engineering with Dr. Lauren Cooper

Description: Dr. Cooper will share aspects of her personal and professional background that she feels have been most influential in helping her find and “stay the course” on her STEM pathway. She will talk about her current position in a unique “Engineering Partnership Program,” designed to provide opportunities in engineering and computer science in a rural location in Colorado – at a more affordable cost to students. One of the highlights of the partnership program is a focus on “Outdoor Industry Engineering,” where students are engaged in real-world engineering and computer science projects related to mountain bikes, ski gear, and outdoor apparel. Another highlight of the program is engaging students in local and international community design projects. Dr. Cooper hopes that talk attendees will leave feeling excited to share the opportunity of the WCU-CU Boulder Partnership Program with the students they mentor and teach.

Episode 15: DoD STEM Resources and Opportunities for Students and Educators. Featuring: Einstein Fellow, Jennifer Childress

Description: Have you heard of Department of Defense (DoD) STEM? In this webinar, Ms. Jennifer Childress, a veteran science teacher from Alaska currently serving as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow with the DoD STEM office, will share resources and opportunities offered by DoD STEM for students, educators, and counselors. DoD STEM is within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and supports a wide variety of activities including after-school programs, competitions, and internships for students and professional development and training for educators. Learn about how you and your students can become involved in these exciting STEM opportunities and explore the STEM resources available for classroom teachers!

Episode 14: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for All Learners: A school counselor’s guide to enacting equity in STEM education
Description: School counselors play a critical role when addressing systemic inequities in STEM education. While school counselors are prepared to serve as advisors to all learners and help them attain their academic potential, often left behind are the culturally and linguistically diverse learners who are persistently underrepresented in STEM education. This webinar addresses the systemic barriers to equity in STEM education for minoritized groups (African American, Hispanic, Native American) using culturally relevant pedagogy as the mediator for equitable outcomes. The webinar will discuss the necessary revisions in STEM education through the lens of counselors to promote equitable learning and teaching in schools.


Bonus Episode: CS Journey into DoD STEM originally aired on December 7, 2022. DoD STEM strives to attract, inspire, and develop exceptional STEM talent across the education continuum and advance the current DoD STEM workforce to meet future defense technological challenges. There are opportunities for all areas of interest and many do not require active duty. Opportunities include working in research labs, human resources, finance and more.

Episode 13: Twenty-one Jobs of the Future with Cognizant was originally aired on June 1, 2022. Work is changing due to automation and AI, but it’s not going away. Based on the major macroeconomic, political, demographic, societal, cultural, business and technology trends observable today, Cognizant proposes new jobs that will emerge over the next ten years and will become cornerstones of the future of work. Prepare your students for these growing career fields and learn about the importance of computing skills!

Episode 12: CS + Health Services was originally aired on May 24, 2022. Hear from Merck Chief Information and Digital Officer Dave Williams as he shares about his experience at the intersection of computer science and health services. How does Merck use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world? By using research and technology to deliver innovative health solutions that advance the prevention and treatment of diseases in people and animals. Computer science skills and computational thinking skills are important in solving problems and delivering health service to all. Hear how students can utilize these skills for a fulfilling and meaningful career after graduation.

Episode 11: CS + Finance with Bank of America was originally aired on May 10, 2022. Computer science careers involve something called computational thinking, and computational thinking skills parallel the skills necessary to be successful in the finance industry. Hear from three women in leadership roles at Bank of America as they talk about the interwoven skills of computer science and finance!

Episode 10: CS + Barbering, Leveraging the Social and Cultural Capital of Barbering to Support African American Boys’ and Young Men’s Interest in Computer Science was originally aired on April 20, 2022. This panel detailed the past, present, and future of an ongoing broadening participation in computing collaboration between the South Carolina Department of Education, the Barbering Department at the Fairfield Career and Technology Center, and the College of Education at Michigan State University. Titled Barbershop Computing, the collaboration aims to rethink uni-directional broadening participation strategies of only recruiting African American youth into computing classrooms by also designing and implementing computing education in settings where African American children are already spending time. Barbershop Computing centers on enrolling the communities, practices, and skills of barbers to make computing and technology education culturally and educationally meaningful. Indeed, Barbershop Computing builds on the long history of Black barbershops as not only sites for community building but also as conduits for community engagement with public health, mentorship, literacy, and pedagogy. Given the success of these areas, why not also broadening participation in computing? The goal is to expand the possibilities for what computing education can look and feel like by enrolling professional barbers in educators’ and researchers’ efforts to broaden participation. The presenters on this panel discuss their own experiences with the Barbershop Computing program, offering insights about its design, development, and implementation from administrative, research, and classroom levels.

Bonus Episode: Women in Computing Panel Discussion was originally aired on March 24, 2022 this webinar is ideal for school counselors and other educators to view and share with students, especially in Dallas/Ft. Worth, to learn how they can support students on their journey to successful, flexible, and rewarding college and career pathways in computing.

Bonus Episode: Educators’ Virtual Coffee Hour with Citizen Schools was originally aired on March 23, 2022. This interactive panel with Citizen Schools and C4C focused on mobilizing interest for girls in computing, technology, and all other STEM fields. Bringing together the perspectives of an educator, a school counselor, and a STEM career professional, the panel discussed ways to build confidence, spark curiosity, and increase knowledge of career pathways. Participants came away with new insights and engagement strategies to help drive the next generation of women leaders towards STEM careers.

Episode 9: CS + Machine Learning with Meta was originally broadcast on March 15, 2022. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. In this webinar, Olivier Delalleau discusses his educational journey and what it is like to work for Meta.

Episode 8: Preparing Students for a Mobile Workforce, originally broadcast on February 24, 2022, features Matt Brooks, Market Leader at Apple. In this episode, Matt discussed computing careers and what it is like to work for Apple. Additionally, NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) presented the NCWIT AspireIT Toolkit which helps anyone interested in designing engaging and inclusive computer science experiences for K-12 students, with a focus on broadening the participation of girls, women, and other underrepresented populations. (This episode is not available for playback.)

Episode 7: CS + Art, originally broadcast on December 7, 2021, features educator, artist, and technologist Chris Carruth. In this episode, Chris Carruth discusses the ways computer science overlaps with the disciplines of art and design.

Episode 6: Reinventing STEAM, originally broadcast on July 21, 2021, features Aerospace Engineers and Reinvented Magazine Board Members Caeley Looney, Aly Trevino, and Rachel Weeks. In this episode, Caeley, Aly, and Rachel discuss all things computing: STEAM, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship.

Episode 5: CS + Ethics, originally broadcast on June 16, 2021, features Jess Smith, a machine learning and AI ethics PhD Student at the University of Colorado. In this episode, Jess discusses the ever-growing field of ethics in computing. How does a self-driving car decide which direction to veer with the conundrum of hitting a mailbox versus hitting a pedestrian? Does facial recognition identify all types of facial features and skin colors? Can a crime algorithm predict whether a first-time offender will break the law again? Ethics in computing forces us to consider important questions like how an algorithm, artificial intelligence, or piece of technology may impact all of us. Find the resources shared during this presentation online.

Episode 4: CS + Accessibility, originally broadcast on May 19, 2021, features Ruth Kyle, School Counselor, and Tom Kyle, Computer Science Teacher. In this episode, they discuss the commitment to supporting improved accessibility for students with disabilities and the possible hurdles that students from different backgrounds must overcome.

Episode 3: Careers in Cybersecurity, originally broadcast on April 21, 2021, features Kevin Nolten, Director of Academic Outreach at Cyber.org, and Samina Mondal, founder of Cyberweek.org. Cybersecurity careers are among the fastest-growing career areas nationally and are predicted to grow seven times faster than other fields. Tune in as Kevin and Samina share cybersecurity educational pathways and how to encourage the next generation of problem solvers, original thinkers, and technical leaders! 

Episode 2: What Makes an App Addicting, originally broadcast on March 24, 2021, features Apptuitive CEO and Founder Carissa Lintao. She has been recognized in Forbes, CNBC, Business Insider, and Roadtrip Nation’s documentary ‘Venture Forward’ for her entrepreneurial efforts and focuses on changing tech for the better. Carissa’s passion is raising awareness about the intersection of ethics and tech to bridge information gaps and level the playing field.

Episode 1: Connecting 21st Century Skills & Educational Pathways, originally broadcast February 24, 2021, features CEOs and Founders of Likeable STEM Anesha and Annika Santhanam. This platform is dedicated to students in upper elementary, middle, and high school—especially girls—aiming to engage them in learning STEM in a fun, visual, and interactive manner.

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