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Conversations for Change: 2022 Pioneer In Tech Award Winner: Poppy Northcutt

The NCWIT Pioneer in Tech Award recognizes technical women whose lifetime contributions have significantly impacted the landscape of technological innovation, amplifying the importance of capitalizing ...
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Conversations for Change: A Queer Endeavor: Inclusive K-12 Education With Dr. Bethy Leonardi and Dr. Sara Staley

Want to learn about creating cultures that are affirming of gender and sexual diversity? This session focuses on the K-12 space and will also touch ...
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Conversations for Change: A Queer Endeavor: Queering Leadership With Dr. Bethy Leonardi and Dr. Sara Staley

Want to learn about creating cultures that are affirming of gender and sexual diversity? This workshop series brings attention to policy, climate, and social and ...
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Conversations for Change: Navigating the New Normal: Renewal, Allyship, & Joy During Twin Pandemics” With Dr. Damon A. Williams

Nationally recognized DEI scholar and expert Dr. Damon A. Williams leads this discussion on Inclusive Excellence, strategic diversity leadership, and allyship in learning environments and ...
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Conversations for Change: Powertilt: Examining Power, Influence, and the Myth of Meritocracy” With Dr. Catherine Ashcraft and Dr. Brad McLain

Lack of influence in key innovation processes results in what we term a powertilt phenomenon — that is, a differential distribution of power and influence ...
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Conversations for Change: Harnessing Power for Positive Impact with Dr. Julie Battilana

In this live talk, Dr. Julie Battilana discusses the fundamentals of power, debunks the common myths surrounding it, and reveals how to harness power for ...
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Tech Culture Interrupted

“Tech Culture Interrupted” is an engaging and provocative conversation between NCWIT social scientists (Dr. Catherine Ashcraft and Dr. Brad McLain) and a variety of special ...
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A thumbnail for Que Camino en Computation es el adecuado para mi?

¿Qué camino en computación es el adecuado para mí?

Encuentra el camino más adecuado para tu vocación. Esta tarjeta con puntos de conversación explica cómo los intereses y talentos en materia de computación se ...
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Which Computing Pathway is Right for Me?

Which computing pathway is right for me?

Shape Our Digital Future Computing know-how lets you design and test useful products for society. With so many pathways within computing, the field has something ...
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Top 10 Ways to Recruit Underrepresented Students to Your Undergraduate Computing Program

Recruit strategically to attract a diverse range of students to your undergraduate computing program.
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talking points moving beyond computer literacy Cover

Moving Beyond Computer Literacy: Why Schools Should Teach Computer Science

Computer Science (CS) — not computer literacy — underlies most innovation today, from biotechnology to geoscience to national security. Computer science teaches students design, logical ...
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Talking Points Young People Cover

¿Por qué deberían los jóvenes considerar carreras en computación y tecnología de la información?

Spanish version of Why Should Young People Consider Careers in Computing and Information Technology? ¿Qué debe decirle a un joven acerca de las carreras de TI? ...
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