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Conversations for Change: Advancing Racial Equity in Tech: A Conversation with Dr. Allison Scott and Dr. Ivory Toldson

This discussion originally aired on Thursday, March 2, 2023 and included a live Q&A with attendees. Find the full, edited transcript below. In the second ...
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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: Using Robotics to Bring More People to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

In this talk, Carlotta will present her non-traditional pathway to engineering and how she uses her work to increase the participation of women, Black, and ...
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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: Outdoor Industry Engineering

Dr. Cooper will share aspects of her personal and professional background that she feels have been most influential in helping her find and “stay the ...
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Advertisement for the "Meeting of the Minds" webinar hosted by the NCWIT Academic Alliance. It contains the quote: "Interrupting Bias and Creating an Inclusive Culture, " and the event time and date.

Conversations for Change: Higher Ed Insights: Interrupting Bias and Creating Inclusive Culture

This Meeting of the Minds session explores how implicit biases play out in academic contexts and what specific actions leaders, faculty, and staff can take ...
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Event on Conversations for Change featuring DR. Waisome and Dr. McMullen.

Conversations for Change: Elevating Modern Figures in Computing

The first Color of Our Future webinar of NCWIT’s Conversation for Change series in 2023 took place on February 8 at 12 pm MT. Hear ...
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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: DoD STEM Resources and Opportunities for Students and Educators

Have you heard of Department of Defense (DoD) STEM? In this webinar, Ms. Jennifer Childress, a veteran science teacher from Alaska currently serving as an ...
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NCWIT Engagement Practices Framework

The NCWIT Engagement Practices Framework outlines actions faculty can take in their classrooms and beyond to help broaden participation in computing. It is organized around ...
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Counselors for Computing (C4C) Tips to Get Started with VR

Consider these tips and messages as you share virtual reality (VR) with your students.
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Caminos que se Cruzan Poster (C4C Intersecting Pathways Poster in Spanish)

Este poster grande para imprimir (24″x36″) proporciona información sobre los diferentes caminos que pueden seguir las estudiantes para hacer su carrera en computación. El poster ...
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C4C Kit

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The Color of Our Future: An Online Conversation Series on the Empowerment and Inclusion of Black Women & Girls in Tech

NCWIT celebrates the contributions of Black women and girls in computing by hosting a series of virtual chats: “The Color of Our Future: An Online ...
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Powertilt: Examining Power, Influence, and the Myth of Meritocracy Within Technology Teams

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