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2013 NCWIT Summit - Workshop, Male Advocates Matter: Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology

2013 NCWIT Summit – Workshop, Male Advocates Matter: Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology

CATHERINE ASHCRAFT: So thank you so much for coming to the panel on male advocates and influencers. Welcome. Glad to have you. And as many ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit – Plenary Panel, Leveling the Playing Field with MOOCs

[upbeat music] VALERIE TAYLOR: So welcome to our panel on Leveling the Playing Field with MOOCs, I’m happy to have our distinguished panelists here. So ...
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State of NCWIT Bobby Schnabel Indiana University

2013 NCWIT Summit – State of NCWIT

[upbeat music] BOBBY SCHNABEL: I’m Bobby Schnabel, and on behalf of my fellow co-founders of NCWIT, Lucy Sanders, who’s the CEO of NCWIT, and Telle ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit – Orientation

[upbeat music] LUCY SANDERS: Good afternoon everybody and welcome. I’m Lucy Sanders I’m the CEO of the Nation Center for Women and Information Technology, or ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT: Practices and Ideas to Revolutionize Computing with Lucy Sanders CEO and Co-founder, NCWIT

2013 NCWIT Summit – Welcome

[upbeat music] LUCY SANDERS: Okay, Hi! I’m Lucy Sanders and CEO– Yay clapping! Thank you. Thank you. I’m the CEO and co-founder of NCWIT the ...
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2014 NCWIT Summit - Welcome

2014 NCWIT Summit – Welcome

[upbeat music] RONNIE CAROPRESO: All right, good afternoon everybody. [applause] It’s always great to be first because you get a round of applause whether you ...
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tips job description analysis Cover

NCWIT Tips for Writing Better Job Ads

These tips provide “before and after” examples of ads with balanced language and other guidelines for writing unbiased job descriptions. Related Resources: View the NCWIT Checklist ...
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Tips Announcing Diversity Cover

NCWIT Tips: 8 Tips for Announcing Your Workforce Diversity Numbers

Releasing the diversity demographics of your technical workforce is important for stimulating open conversation and measuring efforts to increase diversity in your organization. These tips ...
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Tips Faculty Search Cover

NCWIT Tips: 7 Tips for Conducting Inclusive Faculty Searches

Subtle barriers might be preventing you from hiring the best available candidates. These tips will help you conduct inclusive searches that appeal to women and ...
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Recruiting, Retaining, and Advancing a Diverse Technical Workforce: Data Collection and Strategic Planning Guidelines

Developing a diverse workforce must be treated like any other critical business issue. Use this guide to help you collect important data and develop a ...
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Computing: Get the Most Out of Your College Degree

Computing offers high quality jobs and is one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States. This resource compares computing to other occupations on ...
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Cover of Learning, Media and Technology journal

Technology and Sexuality – What’s The Connection? Addressing Youth Sexualities in Efforts to Increase Girls’ Participation in Computing

This article demonstrates the importance of paying attention to youth sexualities in efforts to increase girls’ participation in computing. It illustrates significant ways sexuality may ...
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