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2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Sit With Me” by Avis Yates Rivers

Jeffrey Forbes:  We’re very lucky to have Avis Yates Rivers, who’s the founder of Technology Concepts Incorporated, as well as being an NCWIT board member. ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “COMPUGIRLS: What We Can Learn” by Courtney Besaw and Daysha Edgerton

[upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: Next we’re going to hear from some of our younger speakers Courtney Besaw and Daysha Edgerton are going to speak about ...
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Rural Areas: In rural areas of America only 60 percent of households use broadband Internet service

2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Making Technology More Accessible” by Emily Peed-Brown

[upbeat music] JEFF FORBES: We’re here at NCWIT. We couldn’t do anything without highlighting one of our illustrious national aspirations winners. So next up we ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Social Media for Change Leaders” by Herb Morreale

[bright music] JEFFREY FORBES: Our last speaker is Herb Morreale who is the CEO of 6kites, an Entrepreneurial Alliant member company. Give him a round ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit - Flashtalk, "Empowering Latinos in Computing" by Idit Harel Caperton and Jennifer Aguayo

2013 NCWIT Summit – Flashtalk, “Empowering Latinos in Computing” by Idit Harel Caperton and Jennifer Aguayo

[upbeat music] JEFFREY FORBES: So, we’re going to go through each of the speakers. As I invite each of our speakers up to the stage, ...
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2013 NCWIT Summit – Jean Sammet Pioneer Award Reception

[upbeat rock music] [audience applause] [enthusiastic applause] JEAN SAMMETT: Thank you very much for all the kind words and for the honor. I must confess ...
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Critical Listening

Critical Listening Guide: Just Because You Always Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

Use this guide to help identify common misunderstandings that surface when people talk about how to increase the participation of women. Learn to spot “red ...
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Strategic Planning for Recruiting Women into Undergraduate Computing: High Yield in the Short Term (2015 update)

This workbook includes examples, guidance, and templates for developing a strategic recruitment plan to increase participation of females in undergraduate computing. Visit the Extension Services ...
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Survey-in-a-Box: Student Experience of the Major

Use the Survey-in-a-Box: Student Experience of the Major (SEM) to identify strengths and areas for improving your department’s efforts to retain students. The Survey-in-a-Box contains ...
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How Do You Retain Women Through Inclusive Pedagogy?

Women and minority students are not in computing courses under the same conditions as their white male classmates. Instructional practices offer opportunities to level the ...
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How Can You Engage A Diverse Range of Girls in Technology?

Culturally Responsive Computing (CRC) programs help educators connect computing curriculum to the interests, prior experiences, and needs of students diverse in race, class, ability, and ...
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Booming Enrollments – What is the Impact?

We are in the throes of another undergraduate enrollment surge. The number of new CS/CE majors in bachelor’s programs at Taulbee departments this year has ...
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