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NCWIT 2012 Summit - Flash Talk, Brett McKenzie

NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talk, Brett McKenzie

JEFFREY FORBES: Next let’s welcome Dr. W. Brett McKenzie. So Dr. McKenzie is a professor of computer information systems at Roger Williams University. And he’ll ...
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NCWIT 2012 Summit - Flash Talk, Sarah Kuhn

NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talk, Sarah Kuhn

JEFFREY FORBES: Our next speaker is Dr. Sarah Kuhn. A member of NCWIT’s Social Science Advisory Board, a professor in the University of Massachusetts Lowell ...
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NCWIT 2012 Summit - Flash Talk, Sylvia Martinez

NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talk, Sylvia Martinez

JEFFREY FORBES: Next up is Sylvia Martinez the president of Generation YES who will be speaking about the needle in the haystack. SYLVIA MARTINEZ: Well ...
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NCWIT 2012 Summit - Flash Talk, Robin Kelly

NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talk, Robin Kelly

JEFFREY FORBES: Our next speaker is the Honorable Robin Kelly, former Illinois State Representative, and her talk is “Increasing Women’s Leadership: “The 2012 Project.” ROBIN ...
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NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talk, Jinisha Patel

JEFFREY FORBES: I’m going to ask our first speaker to come up on the stage. So, Jinisha Patel is a winner of the NCWIT award ...
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NCWIT 2012 Summit - Flash Talks Introduction, Jeff Forbes

NCWIT 2012 Summit – Flash Talks Introduction, Jeff Forbes

JEFFREY FORBES: Thank you. So I’m Jeff Forbes. I’m going to be the emcee for the Flash Talks. I’m from the National Science Foundation. And ...
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Tips Flexible Work Employees Cover

NCWIT Tips: 9 Tips for Having Conversations About Flexible Work Options: for Employees

These tips can help employees have effective conversations about flexible work options with their managers.
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Tips Flexible Work Managers Cover

NCWIT Tips: 13 Tips for Having Conversations About Flexible Work Options: For Managers

The first step toward an effective flexible workplace is for managers to create an environment where employees feel they can discuss available work-life options without ...
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Collaborating to Grow the Pathway of Native Americans in STEM

Intel, in partnership with NCWIT, hosted Growing the Legacy of Native American Leadership in Science and Technology: A Thought Leadership Event. Key leaders in academia, ...
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Toolkit Cover

Entrepreneurial Startup Toolkit

The Entrepreneurial Startup Toolkit is a collection of resources and recommendations to help small and growing companies with technical talent, learn how to create inclusive ...
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10 actionable ways thumbnail

10 Actionable Ways to Actually Increase Diversity in Tech

Tech’s diversity problem is not new information, especially to those of us who work in the industry. There is a trend taking hold in tech ...
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Sponsorship Toolkit Cover

Sponsorship Toolkit

This toolkit contains a variety of resources for people seeking to advance sponsorship, for would-be sponsors, and for protégés looking for a sponsor. Use these ...
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