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Conversations for Change: Future Ready Careers: CS + Art

In this episode, educator, artist, and technologist Chris Carruth discusses the ways computer science overlaps with the disciplines of art and design.
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Conversations for Change: K-12 Insights: Building Partnerships with School Counselors and Librarians

NCWIT and Infosys Foundation USA invite you to join us for a panel discussion with members of the NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C) program, where ...
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Conversations for Change: Higher Ed Insights: How To Best Prepare Teaching Assistants (TA) To Foster Inclusivity in Computer Science Classrooms

This is the first installment of The Meeting of the Minds, a web-based discussion series hosted by the NCWIT Academic Alliance. In this conversation, you ...
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Conversations for Change: K-12 Insights: A Discussion With High School and College Students Who Build Local CS Communities

NCWIT and Infosys Foundation USA invite you to join a panel discussion with several 2021 NCWIT AspireIT Impact Award recipients. The AspireIT Impact Award honors ...
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Nonprofit Report: Correcting Underrepresentation in Tech

In this interview, m/Oppenheim Founder Mark Oppenheim and NCWIT President and CTO Terry Hogan discuss the importance of culture change and other key strategies for ...
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NCWIT Academic Alliance Mentoring Panel (2021)

What makes a great mentor at the undergraduate or graduate level? A panel composed of five of the 2021 recipients of NCWIT mentoring awards explores ...
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Los 10 mejores consejos para que la familia logre que las niñas se interesen en la computación

La tecnología es un campo de rápido crecimiento, con salarios altos y creativo. He aquí 10 consejos para que usted, como miembro de la familia, ...
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Top 10 Ways Families Can Encourage Girls’ Interest in Computing

Technology is a fast-growing, high-paying, creative field. Here are 10 ways that you, as a family member, can encourage the girls in your life to ...
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Small image of workbook cover with teachers and students celebrating

Computer Science Professional Development Guide

Three out of five schools in the U.S. do not offer computing courses that include programming or coding, yet we know that computing jobs are ...
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Tips WIC Groups Cover

NCWIT Tips: 13 Tips for Creating and Sustaining a Women in Computing Group on Your Campus

Women in Computing (WIC) groups on college and university campuses can help reduce feelings of isolation and increase a sense of community and belonging. They ...
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TECHNOLOchicas (Promo Card)

TECHNOLOchicas is a collaborative project designed to raise awareness among young Latinas and their families about opportunities and careers in technology. This campaign features the ...
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CS is for Everyone Cover

Computer Science Is for Everyone: A toolkit for middle and high schools to increase diversity in computer science education

Schools across the country and around the world are working to increase access to quality CS education. But while CS classes and opportunities are expanding, ...
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