There is consensus among researchers that encouragement matters and plays a critical role in engaging more young women and girls in computing. Here are some […]
Schools across the country and around the world are working to increase access to quality CS education. But while CS classes and opportunities are expanding,
Three out of five schools in the U.S. do not offer computing courses that include programming or coding, yet we know that computing jobs are
Student influencers such as formal and informal educators and parents are eager to direct students to viable education opportunities in computing. Consider these key points
Culturally Responsive Computing (CRC) programs help educators connect computing curriculum to the interests, prior experiences, and needs of students diverse in race, class, ability, and
Engage students not already drawn to computing by creating academic and social environments where these students feel like they belong. Students respond positively to solving
The NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) High School Award honors 9th-12th grade women, genderqueer, or non-binary students for their computing-related achievements and interests, and encourages
The NCWIT AspireIT Toolkit helps anyone interested in designing engaging and inclusive computer science experiences for K-12 students, with a focus on broadening the participation
The NCWIT Engagement Practices Framework outlines actions faculty can take in their classrooms and beyond to help broaden participation in computing. It is organized around
Effective feedback gives students the information they actually use to increase their learning and improve their performance. It should employ a “growth mindset” that focuses
Recruiting diverse students to computing requires that you spark their interest, build their confidence they can succeed, create a community where they feel like they
These tips will help you to engage students in your computing courses and retain them in the major. These ideas and examples are drawn from